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Everything posted by dr_hunt

  1. Not only the new barrel of methanol, but the barrel of race gas, and a compressed oxygen cylinder properly stored. Literally guys I could have been killed has I driven up at the "wrong" time! These "kids" were trying to do some serious damage and the "system" let both them and myself down by doing nothing! These kid's families have already missed the boat and the kids were literally swimming in the ocean of doom and dispair, and were headed for a life of crime, jail and certain death. Considering one in 5 or 10 households has a gun in it, the chances of getting shot while breaking into or valdalizing someones property is a very "real" prospect. Make no mistake about it, I could have shot each and every one of them and I did not because at the time I didn't feel like my life was in iminent danger. Those kids are in a better place, the life road they were heading on wan't the right one. The seven year old that was a friend of theirs should do some serious thinking! The sad part of all of this is that they have all been over at one time or another playing with my boy, riding his go-kart, playing ball, etc, etc. Oh, and you wonder why I have a gun safe, not just for theft protection! Multiple reasons, the most paramount is that my boy can shoot them all he wants, as long as I'm right there!
  2. No wonder you had to move into the country!
  3. Well, you can't save all kids guys. Some are too far gone and these were certainly two examples of a family in crisis. Now the family moves because it lost it's welfare check that they depended on for survival and continued leaching on society. Neither parent worked and this is the result of the upbringing they showed their kids. Just goes to show you that when you have a criminal committing a felony in your sights, sometimes it's probably better to save the system and others the grief of their continued felonious actions. Sad, but a reality of life in the ghetto's of america.
  4. Vacuum is definately a good thing in the crankcase IMO. Reduces oil aeration and helps ring seal. Vacuum pumps are not very practical on daily drivers but are a big plus on race vehicles.
  5. Both 10 year olds are dead and planted 6 feet under. The seven year old was a friend and not related family wise like the two 10 year olds were. Now the family is moving out of that trailer and trailer park due to the "mess" that was left inside. I can only imagine how hard this is for the parents but this or worse was bound to happen to both of them since they started their criminal careers at such an early age.
  6. Some of you may not know, but awhile back 3 kids vandalized my shop, peterbilt truck, pinks car, 260z and the '33 dodge. Total damage was around $8K. They tried to burn the peterbilt and the pinks car and the shop but were unsucessfull. Poured gas and diesel in the peterbilt cab and on the pinks car, broke all the glass out of both and the 260z. I managed to catch them in the act when I was driving into the yard. The suspects were caught, two were 10 year olds and one was a 7 year old. Well, two months ago one of the 10 year olds shot himself, and last week the other one did the same with a 12 gauge shotgun under the chin. Now all we have left is the seven year old. It's not normal for 10 year olds to do that kind of vandalism IMO without having serious other "problems". The Children Youths and Families department disagreed and suggested family counseling. Well, that obviously didn't work but the 12 gauge did!! Poetic justice!!
  7. Cool, you'll have to tell us how this works out!
  8. That's really cool,congrats! Is his middle initial Z or ZX?
  9. Yeah, he's probably looking at the SI swimsuit calendar for 2007!
  10. Your assuming it was correct from the factory and that nobody, including the guy you got it from never messed with it. Neither is a good assumption.
  11. You see those tapered roller bearings those are like pinion bearings, those have adjustable clearances, if those aren't right the entire trans won't function properly. I'm not T56 expert by any stretch of the imagination but my guess is If you check shaft endplay you'll find the whole trans is in need of a proper rebuild. If you'll set your mind to getting that done you'll be all smiles in the end!
  12. Who's to say the clearances were normal in the first place since it did the same before you started replacing parts?.............. In all my years of exp, there's only one way to do it, PITA or not, and that's the complete, leave no stone unturned, check everything way.
  13. Ok, so which one of the admins did you piss off?
  14. 0.060 inches You can use a hack saw blade as well, make it about .030 deep.
  15. Really cool car and setup!
  16. Must be nice to live in the big city where that's available. Here we just turn on the 40 watt hipo bulb and look for cracks! :lmao: If we have money then we go to our big city (Yay!!!) and all we can get is magnaflux and sonic testing! (Yay!!!) Back in the day, crap I'm old, the BW T-10 and the M-22 were the hot ticket. A hot sbc or a good bbc were all it took to scatter either of those into lots of little pieces with no warning. Neither muncie will hold up to that kind of power IMHO, at least not for very long. If your going to keep the slush box look into the jerico or TKO.
  17. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.
  18. If a trans is not shifting into one gear or another you don't just try to fix that one problem, chances are the entire thing needed a rebuild. Sounds to me like you have other problems there too.
  19. More like magnafluxed, not x-rayed. Your muncie will be in little itsy bitsy pieces in no time flat no matter how easy you are on it with that combination.
  20. To answer your question, the th350 is a 3 speed automatic that is very durable and can be built to handle pretty good HP, say 600+. The 700 is a 4 speed (3 plus OD) POS that is marginal at best with 400HP tops IMO. I've seen some 700's live at more than that but not for very long. If your going OD then seriously look at the 4l80e. I have two trans builder friends and neither say much good about the 700 trans. Assess your needs and purpose, select which trans would work with the HP, use intended and durability you desire.
  21. There were some security problems with the chat feature, so dan deleted it. I'm not sure whether that will ever be back.
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