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Aerodynamics DONATIONS NEEDED!!!

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  johnc said:
Regarding the ITS/EP racers, in many cases they are not allowed to run aero mods beyond a front air dam. There will be some data that can help them but things like VGs and rear spoilers are not allowed.


I'm rolling the idea around about using horizontal antennae for radios just forward of hatch.....


Splitters allowed, back to the front of wheel well

Belly pans came with this car stock.....so they can be used as well.

Should air dam extend outwards to wheel edge?




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Come on gang... $550 in the first day and nothing since... :lmao:


Keeping this thread alive with daily updates... So kick in when you can...


Today's generous member recognition is Doug Carrow (SYNLUBES), who donated $50!!!


Come on gang... Kick in what you can... We will all benefit from this testing...


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I'm more than willing to help, I just need either a very close date to when you expect to do the testing. If its in a year, then I'm less likely as I will be done with my Z. If its Januaryish I'll through a big chunk in. Thanks,



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what are we looking at as far as distribution of the information that results from all of this testing? I read the mention of a video possibly being produced (I assume thats going to be a purchase item). But what about print (or online) material? Any plans on how thats going to be approached other than the possibility of it being covered in the previously mentioned magazine (in the event that doesnt pan out)? Is any of this going to be made free public information?


I'm not trying to sound pessimistic. I'm just trying to gauge a feel for what we're aiming for aside from the obvious, which is the testing.

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Here's the deal on the publication of information... Unless we are writing an article for Nissan Sport, We'll publish all the data and the story here on HybridZ.


IF we write a story for Nissan Sport, then we'll publish the data and pictures and wait for the story to be published in Nissan Sport. Regardless, ALL DATA will be published when it is produced and it will be published here on HybridZ. I say this because you guys are donating to get this information.


There are a number of folks on this site with rather deep pockets. We could go off and do this testing ourselves and keep the data to ourselves... I thought it would be nice to offer this opportunity up to our members here. I figured out members would appreciate this data the most since this site is geared towards the use of this information. As to a video, I'll leave that up to BJ to comment on. If he gets the videographer onboard, then that will certainly help bigtime.


As far as making it free to the public... Once it's put online, it's free to the public. We could setup a sub-forum where those who contributed would get access to the information, but that wasn't my goal... Again, I was hoping to have many people contribute a few bucks, rather than a few people contributing many... If I write an article for Nissan Sport, I'll donate the fee they pay for the article, and I'm already planing to donate a few bucks as well...


So I was hoping that we'd get donations from as many members as possible $20 here, $50 there... But I've only gotten 6 members to donate, but the donation amounts have been sizable and for that I'm grateful.


To date we've got $600 in donations from the following members...






David Spillman

Ken Kingston

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Most of us have talk Z car aerodynamics to death.

Doing the ribbon test on the hood, frontal modifications/improvements as well as what rear spoiler does what for the S30.

We have probably searched the web and collected most everything there is out there on Z car aerodynamics.

Well, we are now looking at having the biggest and quite possibly the only real opportunity to find out some answers to these questions.


I know the holidays are sucking money out of our pockets, but we all can do something to help fund this project.

If you cannot send a lump sum, send small amounts several times, you wont even miss and it all adds up.

$5.00, $10.00, $15.00, $25.00 . . . send what you can.


Buy yourself the best X-mas present ever this year; get yourself the results of the aero testing. You know you want it!


You can trust that any monies you send in for this project is in great hands and will go toward the testing and not someone’s beer money.


Please do what you can to support this effort!

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Any lead time on when the test would be conducted. My corporate HQ is just up the road in Davidson, and I'd really like to make it into the area for the test when the time comes. I'm pretty sure I know where that facility is, I spent a lot of time driving through Moorseville last time I was up there.

Paypal forthcoming, see my latest post at the S30 Aero Thread as well for an at-speed photo on El Mirage.


I just wish it was in the realm of possibility to drag our LSR car there to see what can be done. Wrong coast! LOL!

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We are shooting for the end of January... with the ability to carry this test out at later dates.. ie. Feb, March... We are hoping for sufficient funding to allow for further development dates later next year...



My dream would be a satisfying and promising first date... with follow ups to allow for some pretty sophisticated developments...


I think it will take more than one date with our Fairlady to get all the way to home base...

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Latest Talley is: $975.00!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! :2thumbs:


The latest contributors are:


Tom Harris

Tony D.



Thanks guys and I DO APPRECIATE IT!!! We also have atleast one annonymous donation coming... :2thumbs:



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  Twoeightnine said:
Come on boys, the misses wont notice a 50 spot here and there .:mrgreen:


Those of you who work hourly jobs, just have the boss send that overtime to another account, and she won't miss chunks larger than that!


My wife is cheap, especially at weddings. If she knew how much I donated "not to family" there "would be trouble", and to think that I'm positive there will be at least one more installment between now and then..."BIG" trouble.


Then again, knowing the amount of lift produced by a non-kicktailed S30 at speeds above 120mph in 10mph increments will make ballasting our Bonneville car MUCH more precise. No more "well it was loose on that run, add ten more pounds and we'll see what happens next month!" We know we need to run 140, we will ballast for that lift, and leave it at that.


Kind of gives "sandbagging" a new meaning as well! Ballast light so it gets loose and you have no outward indication that you are "going light" through the traps when in contention for Points Champion....

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Zackly Tony D!!


I deposit the same amount per month all year long so... life is good.


Any overtime I work goes into the pocket and subsequently into the Z.

Lately I have been working alot of saturdays.


She knows this but not how much. One cant live or count on overtime. But when it is worked it should be treated as extra. Spend it on something worthwhile. Like DATA!! Yea!! Or put it into the bank. Boooo.


You dont really put weight in you car do you? See boys...we need some aero data. Cough up!!

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