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Aerodyn wind tunnel results!!!

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  jmortensen said:
I think we can. Limiting the amount of air getting into the engine compartment is a huge part of getting this done. The gaping maw in the front of a Z is way too big and allow a ton of air to get under the car, hence Z's with fiberglass hoods look like they're going to pop right off of the car. I think once the airflow going in HAS to pass through the radiator, then it's just about utilizing some hood vents to get the air out.


By the way, I got that idea from a circle track site, but you see the same type of airbox almost universally throughout the racing world. I was looking at several catalogs today as I was packing them and they had the same basic radiator duct in them. Starts off with a small rectangular hole, then angles up to where it attaches to the core support. I can't remember what one it was... coleman, tc cline, pegasus, one of those.


I had a airbox like that on my car. It also helps with cooling by slowing the air going into the radiator. Another option if the rules don't allow hood vents is to open the inner fenders and vent there. Ideally you should not have the tires sticking out in the aristream and a proper flare covering this. This is how most GT cars are done.



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This is great guys. Thank you for all the hard work. I would certainly be willing to donate again for "round two".


A few people have mentioned the Supra spoiler. I was curious about this as well and had mentioned it as a "request" when the donations were kicking off. Then I found out that MSA no longer sells it so I figured it was a moot point. I wonder if MSA would produce it again if it were a proven positive commodity? Maybe they could even improve the design (like someone suggested, it may not need to be as big). Mike, could you possibly donate yours just for testing next time? I don't know how difficult it is to take on and off. Sorry, I'm getting over-stimulated.........

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quote from bjhines "The Type3 airdam was initially tested by simply bolting it on. Initially there was no attempt to seal the inlet to the radiator or the sides. It performed poorly in this configuration. We were so discouraged by the initial results we almost didnt blow it again. We were surpised that adding a little bit of a shelf between the radiator crossmember and the inlet of the airdam not only improved things, It actually transformed the entire car. We blew it again with even more tape sealing off even more of the area behind the airdam and things improved again! There is not much physical difference in what we did. A simple strip of foamboard and some extra tape on the sides COMPLETELY out of view turned the airdam from a total failure into a dream come true!."



I'm running the type-3 air dam on my 280 and now that i have swaped in the v8 i have cooling problems, car is running stock raidiator with dual elect fans. temps are at 190-215 degrees with a 180 degree thermostat... I completely agree that air once past the air dam hits the face of the radiator and shoots down under the car, im in the process of building cardboard ducts to mask all the areas the air is escapeing...

i belive it will cool the car down alot at speed, if it doesnt work i simply need a bigger radiator!!



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Again, Some things have possibly misinterprited and mis-understood. I had a particular conversation with the Windtunnel operator that specifically talked about the Supra Rear hatch spoiler... I've commented on that offline to MikeKZ. I'd like for us to again hold off on speculation of these tests.



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Hey, I'll throw in $20 if you use my car for testing next time...(j/k, I can only wish :P)


I'll do my best to interpolate / extrapolate the results for an S130 with an aero kit (if it hasn't been done already). The pics etc. should make it easier to understand. I can't wait.


Cheers Guys!!

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very greatful to all who put the hands on for this project. i'm now patiently awaiting the results of the testing. will be great to see what does and doesn't work for our z cars-no more guessing! of course, i may still be the slave to fashion-as my z may still wear what i like vs. what actually works. we shall see...

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  1 tuff z said:
i may still be the slave to fashion-as my z may still wear what i like vs. what actually works. we shall see...

Yeah I'm pretty depressed about the mixed results attributed to the whale tail so far (but I'm holding out for it to get vindicated in the follow-up number crunching)...I'm thinking that I'll probably get one anyway, just because I prefer the looks of it.

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  jt1 said:
We didn't test a Supra style spoiler. None of us had one, MSA didn't send one, and nobody else supplied one. It could certainly be a possibility for the future.




If you need my spoiler next time let me know.

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  veritech-z said:
Yeah I'm pretty depressed about the mixed results attributed to the whale tail so far (but I'm holding out for it to get vindicated in the follow-up number crunching)...I'm thinking that I'll probably get one anyway, just because I prefer the looks of it.



This is exactly what I'm talking about with regards to people being confused about the info... The whaletail was AMAZING at creating downforce... TOO MUCH for the BRE Style spoiler. That's NOT a bad thing, but further confirmation that it's a TOTAL PACKAGE that works... We needed more frontal coverage, like with the TYPE3 airdam and some blocking of the grill area, along with the vortex generators and the windshield trip strips, and a few other tricks... No, The WHALE TAIL spoiler is a keeper for those who want to combine it with the right pieces... The tail extends far enough off the back deck to help with near wake turbulance behind the car... If time had permitted, I'd have liked to see the car with the Type3/fenderflares/Slicks/vortex generators/windshield trip strip and the whaletail. My guess is the numbers would have been at least as good as the dual wing.





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this is so nice to see, i have a few ideas on how to set up my new rb setup with the radiator and intercooler. I am looking forward to all the compete data this is gonna help a ton on the drag strip :) thanks to all that donated, wish i had known about it sooner i woulda thrown in a few bucks myself :)

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since my car is a bodywork in progress i can wait for the full write up no problem.this testing will decide what body parts are installed on my car since i am not into bling.funny thing about msa donating some parts-but some parts with cosmetic rejects work just fine for testing.are we looking for the z that rolls 150mph with 2 fingers on the steering wheel?i had a night job for awhile and i used to run my z 140+ sometimes at night on freeway-its a drive with both hands thing even though it was aligned by my on $45k hunter alignment rack.i have a boat fabrication/carbon fiber fab shop 3 miles from my house and i am friends with owner-might have to make some molds up for a complete package after what really works is sorted out.

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  bjhines said:
The wiper cowl vents definitely suck air IN. In fact I have to wonder where all that air GOES! They really take up air at the base of the windshield. I bet the drain pipes have hurricanes running through them.


I'm still looking for the best cold air intake. Someone had the right idea. I think you confirmed this.


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