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SMART car, anybody own one?

Pop N Wood

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much more safe than a motorcycle, eh? not sayin much man, i think as far as a teen owning one, probably, since you don't have the motorcycle's power, but you also lose the ability to zip away (however unlikely the chance to use it) if say, a semi starts merging on you.

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I have seen a few. They CAN keep up with traffic on the highway, I saw one going as fast as 110kph


When I was in Germany a few years back, I had one pass me on the autobahn. I was driving my mother's Golf at the time and doing 85 mph--no lie! I was shocked to see one going that fast, so maybe the engine wasn't stock? Kinda cool cars. The "store" that sells them in Munich is mostly glass on the outside and has an exterior elevator that revolves the cars...pretty cool.




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When I was in Paris in 05 those things were everywhere. The roadster bears a strong resemblance to the Elise, and looks very sporty. I would love to have one of those for zipping around town, but I'm not sure if it's cost effective for me to get into a new car payment right now with me trying to go back to school in the next few months...


One of the neat things about the Fortwo and Forfour is that you can change out the plastic fairings with different colored ones fairly easily, that way you can put the hello kitty graphics on there for the wife, and then have the Ninja Turtle graphics on there when you take it out. Or whatever you guys are into...

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When I was in Germany a few years back, I had one pass me on the autobahn. I was driving my mother's Golf at the time and doing 85 mph--no lie! I was shocked to see one going that fast, so maybe the engine wasn't stock? Kinda cool cars. The "store" that sells them in Munich is mostly glass on the outside and has an exterior elevator that revolves the cars...pretty cool.





that would have been the BRABUS

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..not banned on any highway in Europe . minimum speed there s 70kph


Several people in Italy told me that they had been banned from some highspeed motorways...but never told me where. I just spent some time seaerching the mighty interwebs for real life resources and surprise surprise, I could not find any. Just talk here and there about germany considering a ban of "city cars" incuding the smart fortwo. Seem we are are only as good as our sources.


And believe me those things can move on the motorway, they are all over Italy and Italys Autostrada but they seem less than stable at higher speeds.


I would seriously consider buying a fortwo or forfour in the next few years if i'm still in the position that i'm in now. Sadly though, I dont think the forfour is ever coming here though...at least not according to D.C.



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I think we (the US) are only getting gas powered ones. I was all on board untill I heard that. A diesel powered golf cart would suit me well. the site is vague and doesnt talk about engines that I can see. I became an 'insider' like a year ago and have recieved maybe two news letters as they call them.

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I've had them come up on me on the autostrada around 160kph(100mph) which I think is pretty close to their limit. My landlord has one for sale so I looked into them a couple of months ago. The main problem I found was that they have been known to flip, but I already new that first hand. About 6 months ago I had one wreck in front of me. It hit a large puddle to fast and swerved into my lane. I swerved around it and went behind me and flipped on its driver side. Then slid on its side into the curb causing the un-buckeled girl head to smash out the glass roof. She did get out of it OK. The ones over here you can take the roof off. I think they would be dangerous for young drivers. Some of the worst drivers here are young adults in smart cars. I think its because they are like go karts and are pretty quick that they think it can do anything.

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smart cars are great if you live in a large and dense city where you dont really need to see any highway time. While some people in Europe use them as their only transport, they have been banned on some highspeed motorways.





I rented a Smart ForTwo a few times while on vacation in Italy. Great car, not much get up but for 3 cylinders it's not bad. I am 6'2" and there is plenty of room. If I had a longer commute of lived in a city for parking, it would be a good buy.


There is a dealership in Florida that has been selling them for years. There is one in my area too. Along with a couple of Fiat 500. :D

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Guest TeamNissan

My whole fam is from naples, my mom and me are like the only ones here lol. You know it didnt even notice the sn lol.

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I lived there for 3 1/2 years. I now live in Sicily. Yea Naples was great. I always tell people it's like New york city either you love it or you hate it. Its dirty and there's crime but there just something about the people and the city. Not to mention you can pretty much drive how ever you want. Both of my daughters were born their so it will always have a special place in my heart, but I would say that I like Sicily better as a whole. Sicily is like all of Italy in one place.

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