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Pot smoke


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I really like the Docs suggestion... and here is mine. First off as you are well aware ass holes are extremely difficult to deal with (this has nothing to do with the weed), since it appears that you have communicated with them to some degree and it has not worked as of yet you need to take a different aproach. Since these neighbors are pot heads as well as ass holes you have a very effective option (since you live in California). Go to the apartment or property manager and tell them about your neighbors and ask them to evict them, if the manager has any issues with evicting them remind the manager that in the state of California that the police can fine and/or arrest a property owner/manager if they knowingly allow drug use on their property. There is also a very real chance that these guys have problems with making thier rent on time each and every time which will make it all the easier for the manager to be willing to evict them.


I do not have issues with smokers (I voted to legalize it) but I do have issues with ass holes and I have a very low tolerance for people like your neighbors, get them evicted and hopefully after getting kicked to the curb a few times they will learn some respect.



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Run a bottle of SeaFoam through your engine and make sure their window is open and it flows that way. Then explain to them how your Z is an addiction and you have to keep it running clean, so just like their THC addiction it's a little annoying for the neighbors. Hope they get the hint, otherwise I like the idea about going to the Management then the cops if that doesn't work.

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Option 4-- Look into buying a house. In most cases it is cheaper to have a mortgage then it is to rent a apt. then after you are about to move into your awesome house (with garage or course for the Z) call the cops as they are baking a way.


... sorry dude, I don't know if you've seen housing prices in california, but what you can get in alabama for $400,000 will barely get you a decent townhouse/condo here.


To the other suggesting pranks and such... why am I being laid back and complacent about it right now? Because I'm too old and too paranoid to be making enemies. I've pulled stupid stunts before, like spraying muriatic acid on a car, etc.


As I've mentioned, I have nothing against pot or pot smokers, just like cigarette smokers. Just do it where it doesn't bother me or others. If you're gonna toke up, just hotbox your apartment or something.


Funny story. In california, by law you cannot smoke indoors unless it's your own house/apartment. This goes for apartment hallways, etc. A year ago I was doing laundry, and this indian dude is standing in the apartment hallway by a window, right under a 'no smoking' sign, puffing away on a Marlboro. I look at him, look at the sign. He takes a drag, and says "Oh, that sign doesn't mean anything." To which I replied "clearly not. I'm glad my lungs agree with you"

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why am I being laid back and complacent about it right now? Because I'm too old and too paranoid to be making enemies.


Which is all the more reason to not deal with them anymore and go to the property management. You can also call the police non emergency number and get advice from them on what can be done to get them removed without causing you any additional duress. To me this is a case of your sanity vs their "freedom" to disrupt your life and the best way to deal with it is to create distance which requires one or the other to leave and since they are the ones breaking the law they are the ones who should have to leave IMO.



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... sorry dude, I don't know if you've seen housing prices in california, but what you can get in alabama for $400,000 will barely get you a decent townhouse/condo here.




Yeah Forgot about that part.. I hope you figure out some way to deal with it. Good luck man..

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One of the problems with society today is that when you call attention to somebody that is breaking the rules, it usually doesn't reflect on them nearly as much is it will reflect on you for being a finger pointer. The guy at work that takes too many cigarrette breaks-leaving you to pick up the slack, you point it out, and you are a whiner that is not a team player. The annoying neighbors that smoke weed under your window with no regard for your feelings on the issue, you point a finger, and now you're a narc. Sometimes it just doesn't seem like you can win...


That said, I think the suggestion about calling the police non-emergency line is probably a good way to start.

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Hey, how about just pulling the fire alarm.....I mean, isn't the building smoking? Statement to the fire chief......"Well sir, smoke was pouring out of my neighbors window below me and I wasn't too comfortable with the idea of the apartment complex going up in flames!" Or, a little trick we used to do in college when living in the dorms. We had the same situation being above pot smokers so, when the smoke started coming in our room we would lower a big sign down to their window level with a message....I'll leave the proper message up to you. Maybe lower a big fan down to their window to blow the smoke back into their apartment! But then again, you said they are A holes....forget my suggestions!

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I've heard of deer hormone scent, obviously for luring deers, but what do they normally use skunk scent(stink) for? BTW that is a GREAT idea for messing with people. I might use it lol.


I use it as a cover scent when I hunt, very effective.

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man... They are really dumb people. They are breaking the law(for what it's worth) and being assholes about it.

They are completely ignorant of reality. You hold all the cards in this case. You can easily screw up their lives by simply mentioning the circumstances to any number of authorities.


Here is what you do.

Be nice... or at least tolerant of their actions. do not change the way you act towards them in any way. Give them a few days/weeks to straighten up. If they do not... then report their drug use to the authorities. Just remember that they will face a huge upset in their lives once this goes down. The police will search their home when they arrest them. This could uncover more serious problems that can snowball. You do not want to be associated with any part of this situation... Keep your thoughts about you in the meantime.


These people are living in a cloud.. keep that in mind. They do not have the mental capacity to act this way for very long. A smart person does not smoke pot openly and they certainly don't allow it's use to become a nusance to their neighbors. These people just don't think about what they are doing. MORONS!!!!!!


On another note.

I would not really consider pot smoke a nusance, there are certainly worse things to overcome. Even nicer neighborhoods can have really annoying issues. Like the nosey grandmother who enforces the HOA lawncare codes to the letter. Hell, you have a car hobby. Some folks can get really pesky about too many cars in the driveway, or even leaving your garage door open most of the day. They can force you to comply with pretty much whatever regulations they had set up when you moved in.

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Wait until you smell them smokin weed and then call the cops right away. That way when the cops walk up they smell it and you don't even have to get involved. because at that point the cops have probable cause and they don't need you. Or ,you could hang your head out the window till you get high enough to not care anymore!

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I think it's retarded for someone to do any illegal substance out in the open and if they're dumb enough to flaunt it around they deserve getting caught.


If someone did that and when I said something they barked a bitchy comment back to me, I would do one (or all) of the following:


A) Attach a thick rubber glove to their exhaust with a metal tie and write ' If I smell that ♥♥♥♥ in my household again, you're ass is busted.' on it. (After the loud boom, they'll investigate and piece it together to read this.)


B) Put a ping pong ball in their gas tank.


C) Put on my old ninja halloween costume and go out at night when I smelled the smoke and throw a smoke grenade in the window. (Remember, they won't call the cops b/c their paranoid and probably doing meth too. So basically, you're good.)


D) All of the above.




Remember all, I have nothing against the consumption of marijuana in any form. I just hate stupid people....

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The thing people who say call the cop's don't understand is, He's in California in San Francisco no less. You can have up to an ounce of weed in CA and it's just a ticket.


He's the in the greater SF Bay Area. I don't think the police in our city have as much "tolerance" for this kind of thing. Aux, Dragonfly has the best advice so far. I'd lock up the guns if I was you.



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