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Everything posted by woldson

  1. Don't be fooled, it is a rare capital device that would give certain people among us that ability to travel though space and time. The movie Back to the Future was a feeble attempt to expose said device.
  2. I believe that both will have the same mass due to the weight being the same, even with a density change of ethier. Side note: even if density changes you still have the same gravitational field, just within a more confind area.
  3. Might want to read the posting about leaks leaks leaks.
  4. When braking, the car acts as though it has to much boost from the vacume booster. I did remove the booster and brake lines prior to painting the car. Could there be two differant boosters available (one for ZX's and another for 2+2's)? The front end brakes excessively hard. After coming to a full stop the brake pedal goes most of the way to the floor. Pumping of the brake pedal does little to bring it back up to where one expect it to be. With the engine off, I always have a firm pedal. I'm not sure I get this. If you have front bias (which is normal) when you bearly touch the pedal it is locking up the front?,,,,,,Yet you have to put the pedal to the floor? Then the pedal won't return, so the breaks are still engaged??
  5. That is one thing I'm trying to learn. I do not want to burn money on that last 5%, I just have to figure out what that last 5% is and advoid it. At least till I'm done and get board.
  6. Way wicked Gollum! Have you considered putting the injectors on the final turn, on the outside, pointing toward the head? Might be easier to get at and to fabricate?
  7. Check your oil level. How is your pressure while running? Dose it quit while at idel, curiseing or both?
  8. It is doubtful that your engine just went bad (rings valves ect.) So fuel, timing, vacuum leaks ect. seem to be a possibility. I recommend posting a video and to start giving some voltage, ohm readings from fuel related components in order to help.
  9. So my nieghbor and I are doning some minor house work. Out of the blue while he was aloft he quickly and calmly comes down the ladder. I'm like whats up? He said you need to take care of a problem before I can continue. Now the house was in about this shape when the problem was noticed. Upon inspection I find this lovely gem; So my frist thing I do is go grap a stick in order to "poke" it. (actually a ten foot long stick of pvc) Old nest! THank goodness! Looks like some kinda hornets nest, not sure. BTW not all bees have one entrance, some like to build back doors! A year ago I was cleaning up the side of my house with a skid steer when out flew some bald face black bees. These tend to be very aggesive! So I exited the skid promptly and made a trip to the local hardware store and bought 4 cans of fix a problem. Got back in the skid, backed it up and then rammed the pile of debris...... held up two cans and let fly! After 4 cans I felt that my act of genicide was complete and contiued my work:).
  10. For many years I did this before I had an inpact. Really you need two guys on a tough one. I was actually suprised how many did not realize that it is the same principle. Get a pipe on a breaker lay into it hard and have you bud give it a few wacks. Only draw back is you have to watch for that socket walking off.
  11. Something is missing here. When did this start? Was it before you owned the car? Was there mods before than after? You need to give absolute clarity here in order for anyone to begin to help you. Add more than my questions if needed.
  12. That is tacky. Mabe they will figure out some kinda "Normady" water ride, or Haroshama boom ride, or underwater delights of pearl habor!
  13. a Murray 20" BMX bike will do the better part of mach 5 when powered by fear and adrenaline...... LOL!!!!
  14. You'all are lucky. I have shot down several bald head bees and many wasps off my fence. They use the ceader fencening for nests? The ones that I wing in stomp on deeply, (daughter steped on one once). Now the biggest have been roughy 3/4 of an inch. Those bigger ones might give me more of a 1 to 1 kill. DavyZ, I hope you nailed that turd into the dirt!!!
  15. Your diversity is uhmmmmm astounding. What gives?..... are you 102? Certainly no offense.
  16. Just curious Mazter, what threads have you gone through? Mind if you site some of the information on this subject that you have read here already?
  17. Challenger is giving you a good point. I will go this far out...... Proper tuning of carbs, and everything I've read about internals, is similar to the early design of fi on that engine. (complexity wise, if not more on carbs) If you are a very old person (no offense gentlemen) I can see this point. If you are younger, you may want to see fi through.
  18. Just as a passing curiosity, why not a pm?
  19. Hey at least some people are starting to play around with the ZX. Oddly there a few attributes that I like about both. The rear wing of course is fabuloso!
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