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Everything posted by hughdogz

  1. Big Phil, I'm not doubting that is what the datalogger is reading, but if ambient is 75 degrees F and in IAT is 51 F then the intercooler is running at more than 100% efficiency. I'm wondering if you're runnning an IC sprayer? Does your methanol injection help that much? Damn!!
  2. What the... Suburban Auto Group is located in Sandy, Oregon but why haven't I seen these commercial on the local channels? That definately looks like Mount Hood in the commercial too.
  3. I've been thinking about this thread and I was about to post the same info. Its really true and I believe this is what Dr. Hunt was saying as well when he said "Its all good". 90% of what you do on the job is learned after college... In all honesty Katman, I know the real reason why you chose Aeronautical Engineering...so when some cute girl says: "What are you, a rocket scientist or something?!" you can say: "Why yes...Yes I am!" (lol...just kidding...)
  4. Z's have plenty of crash protection. Look, not even a scratch on the guy!
  5. It all depends what your interests are. As the saying goes "If you do what you like to do, you won't have to work a day in your life" You should figure it out quick since sophomore year, the classes really start to diverge between CE and ME, even if they are "equivalent" classes. e.g. Fluid dynamics. CE concentrate more on open channel flow, sluice gates etc. while ME's do more study in jet nozzle designs, supersonic flow etc. I think ME is a much broader discipline (in general). They cover a little bit of most everything. Computer science programming like for Finite elements, circuits, signal processing, machine design, thermodynamics and heat transfer, IC engines, and more recently MEMS and Mechatronics. I'm an ME and I wound up in the software industry (go figure). I'm not sure if I could have done this (as easily) if I were a CE. Plus, if you're into cars and engines, ME is the way to go! Like I said, study what you enjoy and will continue to enjoy for a LONG time. HTH, -Hugh
  6. Well, I think I finally fixed my boost leak problem. I would get really good boost response (~12-15 psi spike) then it would fall off to 5psi and stay there until you get off the boost again. The problem was because I had clocked the turbo slightly and the WG actuator rod was "cock-eyed" i.e. it wasn't pulling straight. So I figured that since the actuator is pulling with less force, it's allowing the puck to be blown open. So, I adjusted the bracket to the correct angle. Now I can hold 10psi boost (or whatever I set) "all day long". I had already modded the bracket mounting holes into slots so I can clock it, but that didn't solve the whole angle problem. Also, the actuator rod is threaded now so I can adjust the preload on the wastegate. While I was at it, I also fixed my e-brake. Damn thing broke off. Those poor spot welds finally decided to give out, so I drilled them out and replaced them with four bolts. Fastening the nuts inside the tranny tunnel wasn't fun since there was a big heat shield for the cat in the way. Vice grip and welding magnets came in handy to hold the bolt while I crawled under the car to fasten the nuts...and I managed to shear 2 / 3 heat shield bolts in the process Oh well, at least the e-brake will never come off in my hand again!!
  7. Congrats naviathan!! I know it has been a downright SAGA with your cam, etc. Good job on not giving up and being persistent...sounds like it finally paid off!
  8. I DD my 260z. Yes it leaks water into the cabin in the winter, glass gets all fogged up. Yes, I smell like exhaust fumes when I get out of my car (my 130+ lb Akita dog does too but he doesn't mind either!) Yes, it is hard to start and drive when cold. Yes, I put up a lot of road noise Yes, I get crappy MPG (~18-20 around town) Yes, the headlights are dim Yes, the heater blower / defroster does almost nothing Yes, the black interior is HOT as hell in the summer with no A/C Yes, I know I will lose (big time) if I get into an accident with another car, especially an SUV But it is so damn simple to work on, inexpensive parts, reliable, with low insurance costs. No one will steal it since they have no clue how to start it. People driving near me tend to keep their distance since the rattle-can paint job looks like I probably have no insurance. My dog can tear the crap out of it, people can key it, back into it, I don't really care too much since it is my DD beater!! I just love the way you feel connected to the Z when driving it. You feel every bump in the road, the fun of double-clutching into every corner...it can be a challenge to keep it under control driving it in the rain...which is exciting lol! I could go out and buy a new 350Z outright as a DD, but my dog would tear the crap out of it for one thing...there is just something about the challenge of keeping up a 35 year old car with classic styling, decent power and handling that I just can't get away from. And Paul and Ron, I'm not that much younger than you guys...but not having a family / wife / GF probably makes a HUGE difference why I keep my trusty old beater around. Would I drive my nice 280ZXT every day? No way too much wear-n-tear. [Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention on of my main reasons for DD a S30 is that I don't want to drive some "cookie-cutter" car. I really value the uniqueness of the early Z. Even if everyone thinks an S30 has to be a "280Z" ]
  9. I finally passed!! It failed the first time under CO% was 1.6% at idle and 2% @ 2500RPM. Both have to stay below 1%. I lowered the fuel pressure from 38 psi to 36, installed a new set of NGK BPR6ES-11 plugs and it worked! Since I was at only 0.36% CO at idle, they didn't even have me go to the 2500 RPM test. The icing on the cake was that Baxter Auto charged me only ~$9.00 ($1.45 per plug). List price is $4 per plug?!
  10. Happy Birthday Paul !!!!!!!!!!!!! May the coming year be as good to you as the previous ones. Only two more years huh? I hear there is a great retirement plan for HBZ admins $$$(J/K)
  11. cum on, when r u gonna PM me back? dont diz me bro!
  12. Hey man, can you get me a job at Sportmax too? Where do you live? (j/k)
  13. http://store.racing-solutions.org/ It looks like these are free of that horrible aluminized coating. On sale too! lol
  14. Well, Kim @ Rota seems to think they will (notice that the 18racing site has a direct link to Rota's availability page). Who knows how long it will take though. I'll keep us posted as soon as I hear back. I tend to bug them once a month.
  15. I stand corrected. What you say makes total sense to me now. Even though I was born in Japan, I can't read a lick of katakana or whatever those characters are.
  16. After visiting a customer's manufacturing plant last week, I saw their mandrel bender in action. I never knew they use a steel sphere inside to keep the tube from collapsing. "ahh...that's how you do it!"
  17. Easy. Just don't eat any meat or veggies. 100% beer and bread diet.
  18. Awesome job John. That time is something to be proud of!! Thanks again for the invite...it was great to be able to see your car up close and talk z's for a few hours with everyone. I thought your 12.0 run was the last of the day, otherwise I wouldn't have left early.
  19. Good think they remembered to put in some "freeze plug holes" or they'd never be able to get those sand cores out! (I couldn't resist...the Devil made me do it )
  20. Oh geez...when I lived in Illinois, people would say "Ora-gone". When I moved to ORY-GUN people would say "Illi-noise".
  21. Well, it has been awhile since I updated my project page... On a tip from rontyler, I found that I could use my Millermatic 135 MIG welder to weld Aluminum without having to buy a spool gun (that costs more than the welder itself?!). Just buy another "trigger wand" and shorten it, and buy a tank of 100% Argon and of course some aluminum wire. Easy, right?! Well, I first shaved off all the bosses from the top and sides using a sawzall and non-ferrous grinder bits. Next, I'm planning to drill and tap the bottom to re-locate all the vacuum fittings (thanks BRAAP for the tips!!). I wish I had some before pics, but ummm...I was out of batteries...yeah that's it. Let me tell you, it was scary for me at first. There were sparks appearing all over the work piece and the arc was making a really strange howling noise (like a jet engine or something)...after cranking up the juice to max and getting the feed rate and gas flow rate dialed in (above ~ 25 CFM caused an arc blow-out), it wasn't too bad except for all the oxides and slag to clean up. Tons of smoke would billow (sp?) out of my garage!! Luckily I had a huge fan to blow in fresh air. Well, I didn't give up. I don't think it is quite up to hughdogz standards (joke), but close enough for now. I'm hoping to get it cermachrome coated...maybe it will hide some of the gouges, imperfections, etc. Filling the tapped bosses that aren't vacuum ports (I'm starting easy): Here is a close-up of all the oxides and slag I was talking about (first time filling a hole!): Big holes to fill: Another: ...and another: This reamer came in handy to clean-up the holes so I can remove the threads and expose some clean surfaces: This has to be one of my favorite / handy tools Finished! (not quite as nice as I would like it to be, but at least I was able to do it myself with my own tools) Another: I'd better be a LOT more careful about keeping the grinder under control when I do my head porting. We'll see how that goes...lol
  22. PIN number. Same as VIN number, ATM machine, etc. How about degrees Kelvin or with au jus? Or an alarm "goes off" when it's really going ON. Well, that might be like when cells multiply or divide, they're doing the same thing. What gets me is trying to explain slang terms to a non-native english speaker. I've had to explain "pretty ugly". They're thinking well...is it pretty or is it ugly? and how can it be both? lol.
  23. Good info John! My '82 has to pass emissions again before December too. I left the stock manifold, etc. on so (hopfully) I should have no problem passing. Then I'll have up to two years to work out any kinks in the mods I'm planning to do. You probably knew this already, but if we don't pass, we can get only one 30-day trip permit per year. At least we don't have to let them drive our cars on the dyno anymore!
  24. LOL! that's a good one LineC. Actually, it was 3rd place for best fart after the hot dog eating contest.
  25. Check out the reason for selling at the very bottom... http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=92518
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