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Everything posted by JSM

  1. The 6 spoke do fit on them. I'm running them on my Swastika's. You just have to bend the tabs a touch to get them on, but they are snug then.
  2. I totally forgot they "Challengers" didn't fill the bumper relief in the back either. What's really sad is they will probably end up on eBay and fetch crazy money. It would have been nice to see the fire that started on the "Speed Racer" finish it off completely.
  3. It was horrid. At least one of the two cars was recognizable as a S30. The "All Stars" car handled better? Granted they had different wheel / tire combos but is it really that different. They showed nothing what they did, if any, with brakes or suspension other than W/T combo. I really doubt the "Experts" opinions.
  4. http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/index.html You followed these instructions? Or close to it.
  5. Mark, I call dibs on you leaving this to me in your will! Please let me know where to send my personal info to!
  6. I would get it running too. I would bypass the fuel system all together and run off a seperate gas can and fuel pump. This way it is easy to flush the fuel rail and might save you from gumming up the injectors worse. Sitting that long you will likely to have replace the tank or have it severly cleaned. The last thing you will want to do is suck more junk into the fuel system. Hit my up if you need a tank. I have a clean one I just pulled from a 78. Make sure you check the air filter real well for critters.
  7. Agreed. I was scratching my head on that one too. Never seen that before.
  8. I'll brake my set up for you. $25 plus shipping.
  9. That's right! I completely forgot to post this. Thanks for the reminder. I'm most curious on the information the say about the car, more so then the build itself.
  10. 1. Run standard "Paint" program installed on all Windows based PC's. 2. Open the picture you want to modify. 3. From Menu bar, Select Image => Resize/Skew 4. You should be able to go down to 50% or more on both Vertical and Horizontal under the Resize section
  11. This is who I used. Diversified Transportation Services Sales Associate (Gina Thone) 24910 Las Brisas Road ste#113 Murrieta, Ca 92562 phone # 800-686-3871 ext 223 fax # 951-699-3871 website: www.dtsone.com I shipped a crated L6 motor from Orlando to Cali for $350. This was in Dec. 08. They find you the best rate. For kicks I went in to the Actual Frieght company to see what it would cost. It was over $550.
  12. Man your shoot is awesome compared to mine!
  13. I was thinking you. I sent him a PM as I have a sandwich plate as well and the hoses, but I'd rather not split them up unless the plate goes first. If you wanted both I'd sell them together for $50 plush shipping.
  14. I'm sorry for you, but this made me laugh!
  15. Obviously you are not married to a controling women to make such a statement.
  16. Yep, yep and more yep! Geese, I wish I knew you 18 years ago! This is some of the BEST relationship advice.
  17. You need to really install a Fuel pressure guage inline and see what your fuel pressure is. These used to be like $15 but work very well. Use the silver "T" and leave it inline. http://www.harborfreight.com/fuel-injection-pump-tester-92699.html
  18. Either way this is still about control. She basicly lied to you (manipulated) you to get what she wanted. The lie is she didn't tell you up front what she really felt. The motorcycle is NOT the issue in my mind. Watch for this in other areas of you relationship in the future. These types of manipulations will result in resentment from you towards her.
  19. For that kind of coin it better come with an orgasm! Lamborghini Murcielago Turbo Systems Murcielago Stage 1 Turbo System with Stock Engine 700 WHP on pump gas (93 octane) 1000 WHP on race fuel (VP-C16 117 octane) $59,000 Murcielago Stage 2 Turbo System with Modified Engine 900 WHP on pump gas (93 octane) 1100 WHP on race fuel (VP-C16 117 octane) $109,000 Murcielago LP 640 Stage 2 with Modified Engine Custom Turbo System with Modified Engine 1000 WHP on pump gas (93 octane) 1200 WHP on race fuel (VP-C16 117 octane) $109,000 Murcielago SV LP 670 Stage 2 with Modified Engine Custom Turbo System with Modified Engine 1100 WHP on pump gas (93 octane) 1300 WHP on race fuel (VP-C16 117 octane) $129,000
  20. I think it boils down to your word against his, however, I've never seen the judge favor a defendent. Police are trained to estimate speed without radar and from my understanding are fairly good at it. What I do in FL is go to court. Try and find the officer on the court date and ask if he would mind if you asked the judge to Withhold ajudication. I've yet to experience any that said no. In FL this gets the points off your liscense. You still pay the fine and court costs, but no points which helps your insurance. Be prepared for anything from the judge though. He may order you to go to driver improvement school or some class. Dress nice and be polite. The advantage of going to court is he may not show. In FL the ticket is thrown out and your free and clear. It is incredibly entertaining to watch others as well. You will hear and see some amazing things. For one reason or another I seem to get a ticket every 2-3 years.
  21. I'm up for something cool! I hope this helps. Condition is not the best nor is my 1.5 MP camera! http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu85/jeffreysm/ZXT_VC.jpg
  22. I guess my question is are you sure the motor is good? It's been submerged in water, sitting for 2 years and he wants 5K for it? Seems way high to me to take a chance on.
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