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Everything posted by Austin240Z

  1. Too bad my Z isnt worth $150,000 like a well maintained 2000GT.... I always loved the way the GT looked, and yeah it does look very similar to the Z My girfriend told me earlier today(before I saw this post) that she wants to buy one.... (like we'll ever have the money)
  2. The 240Z came with one strategically placed speaker in the back left corner of the car..... facing... the back right. Mine had a pair of sony home theater speakers that were way past blown out screwed into the floor in the back of the car. Good stuff
  3. I used to own an AE86, or for you non-JDM people... a 84-87 Toyota Corolla. If one of your parts is JDM, is cool, just like how neon lights were cool when the original Fast and the Furious came out. Half of the "JDM" stuff really isnt even from Japan anyway, most companies and ebay sellers wised up a while back and started labeling crap as "JDM" so they could sell it for more money. For example. On my AE86, one of the center pieces under the dash holds the ashtray, a hole where the cigarette lighter is mounted on the left side, and an identical hole with a cover on the right side. I removed the cover on the right, and the cigarette lighter on the left and swapped them... so now the cigarette lighter is on the right and the cover is on the left. Now it's "JDM" because the cigarette lighter is on the right side.... I could have put it on ebay and probably sold a $5 trim piece for close to $100 bucks because it's "JDM" gotta love it
  4. Here's how it was explained to me by a 30 year toyota master tech... Basically over the years, they've been taking certain additives out of regular motor oil, but they have not removed it from diesel Oils, like Rotella T. He suggested running diesel oil to break in an old motor, then switching to regullar Oil close to 3000 miles.
  5. Thought so, he's not a member of Captol Z of Texas, but he lives not to far from where I work, I beleive he's a limo driver.. That 240's got an L28 with SU's, the exterior is kinda rough, but the engine is solid and the interior looks great. Very nice guy, nice car, just needs a paint job =P
  6. haha, let me guess, it had a bunch of bondo spots on it? Howdy! There's quite a few of us Austin Z guys, check out the Austin Z club at www.czot.org, we have a forum there. I dont know any of the local guys who have running flat black 1st gen, but there are a couple of guys with light blue S30s. Very nice car btw
  7. Austin240Z

    shift knobs

    I Basically just used a die and rethreaded the shifter a little bellow the original threads. Used a M10x1.5 (or 1.25, cant remember) so I could use my Hurst Pistol Grip
  8. haha, get me a hack saw, I'll make your SOHC into a DOHC for $5
  9. In one of the "NowWhat.com" aka State Farm Insuracne comercials. There's two guys walking on the top of a parking garage, the first guy saying "You're gonna love it, it's in mint condition, it's got......" and they step up to a COMPLETELY stripped Orange S30 sitting on blocks. Then the guy say's "Atleast they left the stereo..."
  10. But guys!! He says the engine is fully ballanced!! And it can juggle chainsaws while standing on one foot! It must be worth eleventy billion dollars!
  11. I personally dont think that would be a good course of action... I understand the thought process, and it does seem like it's a step in the right direction in theory... but the spring retainer is a part that's under a lot of stress... that's one of the few peices where making it "lighter" might cause you serious problems. That's just my opinion on it, dont know if I'm right or wrong either, so I'd love to hear some more educated opinions on this as well. *EDIT* I would definately agree with using a lighter but equally strong replacement, but making it lighter by drilling holes or anything like that would probably do more harm than good.
  12. let me know when and where to send a check, I'll see if I can get the local Z club to donate as well.
  13. Best thing you can do to pass an emissions test is to change the oil 24 hours before you take your car to be inspected. One of the biggest causes of an emissions failure is old oil through your PCV system. Your old, broken down, contaminated, and sludgy oil goes back through your PCV valve into your intake causing your mixture to be contaminated, which is then burned in your engine, causing higher emissions. Just another reason to change your oil regularly:mrgreen:
  14. I have a set in my garage, and the above statement is very true. They will not fit without modification
  15. Thanks for all the input and the pictures I do agree with your opinion, with the exception of the stock gas tank being "easy to find" haha, I cant find one. Everyone in the central Texas area has extra engines, hoods, wheels, you name it, laying around... but no one seems to have a spare gas tank. If I could find one, I would use it. My gas tank was hit in the bottom and damaged it to extensively for me to repair it and I cant find a replacement. I plan on eventually doing the l28t swap in the next year or two and want to use it as a weekend autocross car, so the fuel cell seemed like a logical choice.
  16. Hey guys, my gas tank is pretty badly damaged and after a few weeks of working on it, I've decided it's no longer worth working on. So, I'm looking at getting a Fuel Cell. Just wanted to see what Cells you guys have, dimensions, and any install pictures. Thanks
  17. let us know if you get one, there's a Z club here in Austin, Capitol Z Of Texas. www.czot.org If you're looking for a car, try the ZClinic here in Austin, they sell some Z's from time to time.
  18. I always thought making cars quieter in general was a bad idea. I always worried kids would be playing in or near the street, not hear the car coming and run out into the way.... Children run from loud things. My car scares children and small animals.
  19. God I'm glad I live in Texas If someone steals my car, unless they know to flip a certain switch in my car, they'll only be able to drive about 10 feet before it runs outta gas... Then my shotgun will make sure they dont get much further.
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