Its real, and congratulations on your experience. It's happened to me twice, the first time we were obsessed with each other and lost sight of our own personalities and life goals (admittedly we were both young and had lots to learn about life) as we started to lose ourselves in each other the relationship fell part, probably because of our conflicting desires to both stay together and yet be apart to fulfill our personal agendas.
second time is more recent, and even though we are dating, we've been very honest with each other and know that the timing is all wrong and it probably wont really last. We are still going at it though simply because it feels good, in terms of emotional comfort and the honesty that we are able to bring forth into the "friendship." We both have goals and experiences that we need to have in order to become successful and well rounded human beings in career and relationship. I'm a person that feels that if you dont truly know yourself that you cant be true in a meaningful honest relationship with another human. I base this on a multitude of past failures and unnecessary artificial anguish.
Each person will react a different way to such things, just try not to be come addicted. (ever witnessed what heroin or cocaine will do to a person?) We humans are social animals and as such need and desire physical and emotional support...when we get such a powerful dose it can be overwhelming.
I cant really offer advice because I'm a distant observer with no real insight into yours or her life.
take it slow or take it fast, whatever you like, whatever you think or feel is right. part of the excitement and fun is the speed at which the seemingly impossible happen. but like roller coasters there are all different shapes and sizes of experience...some long, some short, some rocky, some rolly some will even make you puke.
honesty is always the best policy, until she asks about her new haircut.
don't allow you or herself to sacrifice too many personal goals and ambitions for each other. while its fine now and then, doing it too much can lead to some not so good feelings (its a cumulative effect.)
chose your battles wisely, getting into an argument about which way the T.P. roll faces is bad form.
compromise, acceptance. relationships are like well set up suspensions, you should shoot for a near 50/50 weight distribution.
So anyway, too much info I know, its hot outside and i'm procrastinating, but to answer your rhetorical question yes it can be real. Are you ready for it? From you brief description see sounds like an amazing woman...congratulations are in order yet again.
/Use as directed
//results may vary
///side effects may include nausea, dizziness, chest pains, sudden expulsion of fluid from the ocular cavity, loss of appetite, negative monetary reserves, desire to stay in bed, random outbursts of laughter, and happiness.