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Everything posted by Nismo280zEd

  1. I can't see the pictures but it sounds like you lost the code somehow.
  2. how about considering the price of an oil change on the mercedes, or replacement parts? or the required dealer maintenance. My friend is a mercedes tech, the cars arn't cheap to run like the z.
  3. Actually, it's super easy to do it on the ground when the weight of the car compresses everything. Sway bar is extremley easy to tighten up that way. just fyi. Mine would also sit unlevel unless i tightened everything down on the ground aswell. (weird i know but it did) -Ed
  4. lol thanks man... we'll see how easy it is this weekend lol.
  5. so i guess i'm in uncharted waters here. I'll just go by what the MsnSE manual recomends and figure it out from there I guess.
  6. Just wanted to make sure I'm doing this correctly since I can't find a whole lot of people running what I am. As mentioned before running OEM beru porsche coil packs. (this is a 911 Porsche btw) We are planning on running wasted spark with the COP. http://www.msextra.com/manuals/MS_Extra_Ignition_Hardware_Manual.htm#2coils Via the website we have purchased 6 drivers and we have purchased the new BIP drivers from DIYautotune. the website said you can not run 2 coils off one driver, so we have 6 drivers and 6 cop. I'm going to radio shack today and buying 660ohm resistors among other things for a side project, just wanted to make sure I'm doing this correctly since we are trying to run wasted spark (IE two coils firing at once) or since we already have 6 drivers am I better off trying to do sequential? Running MSnSE off the V3 board (MS 1 not MS2) I think code version 029? I loaded up the code late last year I believe. We are using a 36:1 trigger wheel that was actually machined into the damper that came with it's own sensor. Looking forward to firing this thing up next weekend. Thanks for looking, -Ed
  7. I'll check my book, but from my understanding, the DOHC Ka24de are all the same. as far as bolting up etc. lots of brackets have to be swapped between chassis, but the blocks i'm pretty sure are all the same.
  8. Do you guys have any pictures of the lightened stock flywheels? This is the first I've read of lightening the OEM units. I have a spare one that I might be interested in getting lightened. -Ed
  9. sounds like your not getting power to your wideband o2
  10. I don't have a problem venting the hood, but a huge vent might attract a little too much attention and beg to be messed with. I don't have a problem ducting air to vent through the fenders either, infact I think it would be pretty neat. My concern though is... I honestly have no idea how big or small these vents would need to be to effectively evacuate the hot air around the engine, etc. I have to do major surgery to the front of the car anyway, but I don't want to do it wrong and it up with something worse than what I had. I hope that makes sense. I can use common sense and logic to guestimate airflow and size but from what I've seen and learned on here, this is something that even a minor mistake can make a huge difference.
  11. what brakes are on the rear, look smaller than the 240sx, are those the 280zx rear?
  12. So is that basically saying the radiator in the z31 was angled only so they could make the nose of the car slope more? Because they don't accelerate the air out or slow it down going into the radiator. I'm mainly looking to do this to get more room for cooling fans and knuckels, I'm not keen on the idea of putting a huge hole in my hood to vent the air... might attract a little to much attention for a daily. So basically I'm better off just putting the radiator infront of the core support? -Ed
  13. where did you get the straight ones that the msa catalog is laying on? Also how much did you pay? -Ed
  14. So I'm reading this, knowing my 280 suffers from overheating. I've always wanted to cut the core support and redo it out of steel tube. My friend has a z31 and the radiator is angled and I wanted to copy that idea, however.... Does angling the radiator forward actually have any effect on the cooling efficiency of the setup? IE does it cool beter or worse or no difference. As long as it doesn't make it worse I would like to do this as it would give me more room for larger cooling fans (3 row AL radiator)
  15. I can't comment on how much the drip rails improve the structural stability of the roof, but I can comment on how strong they are. I have roof racks for my Z (carry the surfboard most times) but when I was going to school in Lubbock (8hr drive) they would support several hundred pounds of crap from my dorm. I would say I never exceeded 400lbs total, probably less, but still. For a 1/2 wide piece of metal that is some substantial wieght. I have also moved coffee tables on the Z (solid wood 7 feet long a good 200lb alone) as well as dressers and other items. My rails are here to stay, way too functional to remove for me. Plus they work great in the rain!
  16. btw... SR's use a cam sensor that can easily be used to trigger MS KA's use a sensor on the dist wheel and there is a pickup on the flywheel for MS use. SR might have the flywheel sensor as well, not sure. -Ed
  17. I misrepresented what I was trying to say. Not saying anyone called me an idiot, I was simply saying it would be a backwards move to ignore the upgraded electronic technology that the Bosch chip delivers compared to the cheaper (TIP)? chip for .75c (I was simply saying I would have to be an idiot to do such a thing, that's all) -Matt Like I said I was just venting. I understand it's a business for you and you need to make money as does any business. I appreciate all the support you provide for the community and the solution to the problem with the drivers. I understand electronics get discontinued and change. It's an ever evolving field as pieces get more advanced and smaller. I love megasquirt as it has inspired me to persue a degree in electrical engineering instead of just computer science. I love how it is open source and extremley adaptable, it's almost like a lego set for engine managment. I apologize for the misunderstanding. -Ed Henkel
  18. Well.... we can thank my wonderful father for that. He wanted it to look OEM so we had to track down BERU coil packs which are OEM for porsche then get the damn clips sent from Germany, cause nobody over here sells them (even Porsche) I've had to make the entire harness, etc etc we are too deep in at this point to switch coil packs. We are buying the bosch part and paying the 8 dollar price. I'm definatley not an idiot. After all the money we've spent doing this setup on his 911 it would be retarded to swap out the drivers to a cheaper one that doesn't protect the board. My whole arguement is Megasquirt is kinda the poor mans DIY programable fuel injection that is starting to become expensive piece by piece. I hope it stays open source and the community grows and doesn't take advantage of what it has at it's fingertips. "Abolute power corrupts absolutely" That's all I'm saying. Matt.... don't take offense I"m just venting. I love your site and fully support you any time I can. You do wonders for the community and are always willing to help when you have spare time. I can't thank you enough for your site and services honestly. If not for your site I'd still be fighting with my damn weber carbs (hated those things). My order will be placed soon as well as a trigger wheel from you for my Z to get it up and running again. -Ed
  19. Ok, so what's the deal the vb921 got scraped, (figured that would happen sooner or later) but then replaced by the bosch part. Ok, no big deal, I'm a Bosch fan, but what is the deal. The ONLY place you can buy is through DIYautotune? WTF ?!? I like DIYautotune and support them, but 8 bucks a pop for a 2dollar piece of electronic circuitry!!! I'm a little upset and mad there is not competition with them for this part at the moment. I'm having to order 6 of these suckers. The whole idea of megasquirt was to be affordable, but yet I can't source the parts anywhere but them. Yeah 50 bucks isn't a terrible amount of money but 50 bucks could buy new exhaust piece or a gauge. It all adds up is what I'm saying. /Rant
  20. EDIT... found my answer... thanks for th link... good prices.
  21. Thanks for the Tip, I'm a little confused though, it appears I have to get an EDIS module, however I don't understand why, can't I use my V3 board to trigger the Ignition pack?
  22. You finally got it painted eh? Looks nice man!
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