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Everything posted by m4xwellmurd3r

  1. Furries in art, anthromorphic people (animals with human forms) but in reality, a creepy person that dresses up in animal costumes because it turns them on (more or less) Klingon's I understand Cosplaying as anime characters, I can understand (especially cat girls haha) Trekkies, i understand and Starwars fans, I understand but Furries?? Come ON! That's just creepy.
  2. i heard one of them scream...... thats...horrid. the only thing that would've kept them in the car is probably a 5 point harness.
  3. so um...my edit button is gone. I found out, it's the original collapsable spare tire. the p/o said it had never been used (and it looks like it. tread looks brand new) VERY interesting hehe.
  4. well, it wasn't in my z (I haven't found anything interesting yet) But in my 62 vw ragtop, i found MANY bullet casing, from what looked like a 9mm pistol of some sort. no complete bullets, but lots of shells (at least 10 of them) they were hidden in the seat's sliding rails, and had been there for many years (nice and green on some bits) quite interesting to know that your car has bullet shells, when the p/o (me and my dad's friend) didn't own a single gun and has never in his life. makes me wonder who used to own it o_O i'm sure i'll find something in my z. the only thing i've found that was interesting so far is a bottle of brake fluid sitting next to the master cylinders for no reason, other than, it fits rather nicely and doesn't move around when you drive it! OH i know what's interesting. my spare tire!! it's just as heavy as a normal one, but, the treads are totally flat, and it looks like it was compressed. the p/o said it uses some sort of charger to fill it up to maximum capacity, and it's actually the size of a normal tire. I've never seen anything like that before o_O
  5. a lot of issues are usually grounding for me at least.my ignition relay had a bad ground, and it failed to do anything because of it. i replaced the wire (because the one it had was totally shot) and that instantly fixed the problem. I also had a problem with my fuseable links being corroded, i cleaned all the contacts, and that fixed that problem. My TPS had corroded wires, cleaned them, problem fixed. so far almost every problem has been a grounding issue. right now i think i have an issue with my dizzy cap and coolant. check all the wires for corrosion.
  6. seriously, get an old 60's vw. WITH the engine, they weigh 1800lbs they're plentiful you can drive them with NO BODY (meaning you can fab up your own pretty fiberglass body) PARTS are plentiful for the whole thing and you can add minor towing capacity, that would be able to tow a tdi generator i'll bet.
  7. I like it. but it depends on his asking price.
  8. has much as i'm sitting here at the edge of my couch waiting for that video, live comes at you and pulls you by the chains. But that's ok, unexpected delays further build the suspense of waiting. You better make that vid worth it my friend You've done something i've been curious about: what happens if you bolt several heads together to make one? there is one other option, but in our car's case, it wouldn't work. for aircooled vw's SCAT makes single cylinder heads for the vw's. but the reason why it works, is vw's are push rod engines, with 4 studs per cylinder, so it evens out. it wouldn't work for us because of the cam mostly. anyways, I can't wait to see what kind of numbers this thing puts down!
  9. an earlier 60s vw they're light, and can be lighter they can have thinner wheels (if you'd like) they have plenty of room for that sort of stuff
  10. so, I'm sure you guy's have already seen the video of the ferrari 1/3 (or 1/4?) scale 100% replica haha There's a video on youtube (a couple actually) of someone who decided to build an RC Monstertruck using a miniature v-8 there's also a RC Cobra with a mini v-8 in it LEGO's of all things, can be turned into fully functioning engines. one guy built an L-4 that revs up to 1200 rpm (on compressed air of course)
  11. This engine had 625 ft. lb. of torque at 2800 RPM and still was above 625 at 4800. THAT is nuts on the urban assault. i bet that thing pulls like a beast on the road.
  12. as soon as you said south africa i knew it was fake everyone knows what the golden gate bridge looks like ^^
  13. it depends on the junkyard. some places are sort of like "you pull it, you keep it" attitudes. the one my friends dad worked at was like that.
  14. I got my 280 witha 5speed for 900 ^^ I like that shift knob. I've got a black one in mine, but the emblem is long gone.
  15. when it stutters, do you mean it's misfiring a bit? cause that's what mine does. i'm not sure which vacuum line you're talking about. I'm pretty new to Z's lol. I think injector cleaner is usually based on jet fuel (at least, my fuel treatment i used to put in my bug was) I suppose you could try what I did. I pulled each plug, and found one that was weaker, but when I revved it to 2k, and let it clear up (it would audibly clear) once i pulled the weak one, it was just as strong as the others, due to the fuel pressure climbing and clearing it. That's how I know it's the problem at least. also, most of my plugs are lean since they can't get enough fuel. (at least, this is what i think the problem is. i won't know till I dig in and clean it all) i'm also wondering, if for some reason your throttle positioning switch isn't adjusted right. but that might not be the problem at all.
  16. have you cleaned all the fuel lines, replaced the filter, and check all your grounds? those 3 are the reason mine had so many problems. i've reduced it now to just filthy lines.
  17. ouch. you might have to browse the cd to find the file it needs.
  18. looks like you've got someone making it's home in your battery tray. So, any big plans for it?
  19. WOW that guy is a genius. he had to learn how to weld and fab while building that thing.
  20. i'm havin the same problem. Deffinetly drop your tank. it'll save you so many headaches in the future. if mine runs out and sucks up crud, it won't start for quite a while because of the newly built up layer of crud in teh lines.
  21. i think one thing that would help since you don't know all the variables, is what the plugs look like. they can tell a lot just by the color, as i'm finding out with my car. can you go WOT without any problems till it hits a certian rpm, right off idle?
  22. hehe, the Hilux is an icon of sorts. Anyone who watches Top Gear knows how indestructible those things are (why don't we try reviving YOU after being under water for what, 5 or 6 hours!)
  23. your car's the opposite of mine. nasty exterior, clean interior. mines clean on the outside, nasty on inside XP how bad is the rust in other places? because it looks pretty nasty to me. but if ou want to keep it, go ahead. It was free afterall haha.
  24. Start>Settings>Control Panel>Regional/language options>Languages(tab) Check box for Install East Asia Languages. It should prompt you to insert your windows XP disk.
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