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Everything posted by m4xwellmurd3r

  1. Man that looks pretty cool. my first thought was Transformers! then thought how cool it would be to cut out the autobot emblem as your vent haha
  2. before 77 they needed the internal switch. 77-78 uses the oil pressure switch instead, and I'm not sure what they used in the S130's
  3. a 2.5 would be good, but a 3 wouldn't be bad because you would lose backpressure, but is still bad what you lose is exhaust gas velocity, which reduces the exhausts extraction ability. High flowing High speed exhaust gases is better than High flow and slow speed exhaust gases. as far as I know from being on here for the past 2 years haha
  4. yep, they have a hinged particle board floor. the one in my Z is in perfect shape, but I also need it lmao the board mounts with a bunch of screws onto several areas, and behind the seats, there is a metal bar that goes all the way across that also holds the carpet down. It's pretty freaking handy to have I'm actually thinking of mounting little speaker boxes to them. if you want to make a replica of one, I could try and get pictures/measurements for you. or something like that
  5. here's another interesting one I haven't seen it's unseen footage from the first gymkhana video
  6. I may not have a motorcycle, but I ride my bmx bike all around the city and this is exactly how I think. it's gotten me out of SEVERAL situations where I would've been t-boned by bone headed SUV drivers thinking that the edge of the street is where they stop, and not behind the crosswalk. though...when I really think about it, I think I might want a motorcycle probably a Triumph Bonneville. I always did like them out of all other bikes i've seen haha
  7. he feels SAFER in a motorcycle? Sorry, but that is a DANGEROUS thought. you should feel WAY more dangerous on a motorcycle than in a car. feeling safe makes you let your guard down, which leads you to getting killed by a guy that feels "safe" driving their car while talking on the phone, making a lane change, and not checking over their shoulder because they can't see the bike in the mirrors
  8. sounds like a bad brake booster and a seized fuel pressure regulator.
  9. You know what's funny? That blasting cabinet you have, I've USED one that looks JUST like it. first time using a blaster and it was really easy to figure it all out. the gloves were really heavy duty but they weren't hard to move in. used it to clean up a set of nos vw drums. though the one I used had a working light in it lmao. by the way, your car looks AMAZING. every time I see it i'm completely in awe at how clean it is. even if the engine does look totally stock and isn't dressed up at all, it just looks so beautifully clean that I wouldn't want to change anything haha
  10. Maybe not one, but I'd say 4 or 5 in parallel should be able to crank a Z over lmao. oh, and about the 4 wheel drive thing. RC cars are generally 4 wheel drive because it makes them more stable. Even the ones designed for drifting. actually, I would HATE trying to drift a 2wd RC car...I tried it when I was playing with my old X-Mod rc car. it had absolutely no control, and on a surface where the rubber tires would drift, it would spin helplessly. toss the drive shaft back in, and it drifted beautifully under total control. Sure it seems really strange to have it a 2wd, but with the torque electric motors make, it makes sense to make them 4wd
  11. you don't get a 1600 or 1700 to make 350 you build a turbo 2332cc vw engine to get 350. a very well built 2332 in NA form can make 250hp and turbo engines make gobs more. I'm sure a mild 2332 n/a engine, when turboed would be able to make 300+ easy
  12. for me then, it could be that because my door seal is uhh...worn/gone, I hardly have to push the door to get them to shut. it's nice, and the car doesn't leak (get ssome wind noise when I have the windows up) so I guess I'm not too worried about it lol
  13. Not quite. The DOT deemed their crash testing was NOT sufficient to cover the R32 and R34 models, and they weren't allowed to import those models anymore (only the R33 was tested) so Motorex ceased importation of skylines. Their site is still up though. Not sure if they're in business though
  14. its not battery power you want though. you want a high output motor that can make more power with the same amount of battery power. (but it also means the batteries will die faster)
  15. that part of my door must be broken, because I just lock my door and shut it
  16. I had a 4 way lug wrench and just smacked one end onto my locking lug nut and it took it right off no problem. so much for "locking"
  17. Notchbacks were never released in the US so all of them are imported. I want SO BAD to gut out a notch back, build it on a tube chassis, and modify a subaru drivetrain to go into one, then paint it that deep subaru blue.
  18. I actually like the idea. it will have the SAME engine, but with electric motors to BOOST its power and raise its economy. that sounds pretty damn cool to me
  19. here's mine. 517 Metallic Beige. after lots of wetsanding of the paint to get rid of the clear coat. I still have about 3 or 4 more hours worth of sanding before I can polish it haha. an in-progress shot I took as you can see, the clear was burnt to a fine silvery grey crisp. Arizona flat silver I call it lmao
  20. yeah, too bad I don't have the room (or money currently) to pull the trans and rebuild it. for me it might be easier to just find a known good 5 speed and drop it in. Might as well save up and put a new flywheel and clutch in as well hahaha. for now I just baby the tranny so I don't do any more wear to it.
  21. it does have a hard time going into reverse some times, but hitting 5th then reverse pops it in no problem.
  22. Well, I started getting annoyed with the scratchy dusty grey burned up clear coat on my Z, but most of all, I was annoyed with these splash stains left behind from mortar sitting on the paint, falling off, and leaving the un faded paint behind. SO I started wetsanding my Z. these are some pics off my phone, unedited, of what I've done so far. it's far from done, I have half the car about 75% finished, but man it makes a difference. I'm just using 2000 grit wet/dry sandpaper, and lots of water with a dash of dish soap this is what the passanger side did look like this is after about an hours worth of work yesterday and this is what it looks like today, after about 2 hours worth of work the paint isn't in good shape, but it's still nice and thick. really all I'm doing is sanding off all the clear coat. later I'll probably polish the car up and it should shine pretty nicely. it already shines good after just wet sanding it. one spot on the fender got a bit thin, but because of all the CHIPS in the paint, I can gauge how far into the paint i'm sanding haha. later I'll post up a picture of just the front of the car. the difference is like night and day
  23. I don't have any problem with any gears on my Z except 3rd gear. I have to baby the hell out of it or else I get a grind...though...it really does need oil i'm sure and I'll be the clutch could use an adjustment (i have to push it straight to the floor to get a good disengagement)
  24. ah, I see what you were saying now. what I was saying goes with what you made in bold writing, so we're on the same page I think haha.
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