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Everything posted by srbigbutt

  1. Just wondering if anybody saw the Z32 on Pass Times last night. It was a 1990 300zx Twin Turbo with a built motor. Looked stock! Nice sleeper. He ruined it by mentioning that he was on Pinks All Out the week before and made the final 32. So they all guessed pretty close. It ran a 10.19! Pretty impressive. Makes me miss my 91 Twin Turbo. I had it at Stage IV and ran 12.6 in the quater mile.
  2. I recently had this issue on my Supra and it was two things. One was an old radiator cap letting pressure bleed out and the second was a pin hole leak in a coolant line. Didn't find that until it busted and all the coolant leaked out!!
  3. I'm not sure I like the new format yet. Or some of the new guys on the show. But its still very entertaining. A lot of the old timers are gone I guess. They were racing at Belle Rose, LA. The first episode was from Montgomery Ala. John, did you have to beat the number as well? Were you on the episode where they have the 4 car track?
  4. They are atleast 3 different types for the 2 seaters. 70-73, 74-76, 77-78. So you will need to find a set from a 74-76 260 or 280z. Unless you have doors from a 70-73 or 77-78! haha
  5. I'm suprised I haven't seen any threads pop up about all the Z love on Pinks all Out lately. This is the second show of the season and a 71 240z with a Chevy 355 made it to the final 8. Pretty sweet looking car. Also saw a hybrid Z31 early in the show. In the first episode they had 3 S30s have quick appearances, including a sweet red Z with a shaved rear bumper and what looked like some nice black wheels. It was only on for a split second.
  6. I can't beleive a guy 160 pounds started this thread!! I have a ton of shirts with grease stains below the chest!! Funny thing is when i'm jacking my car up, it seems like I have it real high. Then I put the jack stands on and I can barely fit.
  7. Your Z is looking pretty good now. How is the fit on the Wheels? I know mine were a tight fit. But damn they look good!! Your pics make me want to go out in my garage and clean up all the brake dust on them right now!! haha. I see that view with a guy with a huge grin all the time. (When I pull up next to SUVs with shiney reflective paint, glass buildings, etc!!!)
  8. Love the look of your car, but dude!! Get some Armorall!!! Shine those babies up. Also, is the window trim blacked out? First picture it does not look like it, but in the second it does.
  9. Damn CA guys always rubbing it in with these nice cheap Z's!!!
  10. Haha!! What am I talking about. Only an idiot would not take this opportunity to rebuild!! If you wait till later you may have a new job and not have the time! Seize the moment now!!! Is that better? lol
  11. Good news is you have time to work on your Z, bad news is you are out of work. But if you have the money and don't mind having the Z out of commission then pull the motor. If I lived in a cold weather area, I would just fix whats wrong now and then pull the motor in the winter. Only so much time for you to enjoy it! Plus that would stop my wife from killing me for spending $1200 when I'm not working.
  12. I don't see much difference between Turbo and NA Cold Air Intakes. They look exactly the same to me. Plus, I don't think that was Quick or Easy at all!!! Atleast it wouldn't be for me. Looks good though. Just needs some paint. Mine was definately easier. I just bought some Autozone Spectre tubing and a K&N filter. Only tools I needed were a handsaw and a screw driver. It was a little cheaper than the ebay ones and a lot cheaper than the MSA one. Plus its shiney!! haha.
  13. Love your car. You actually make the 280z Bumpers look good. But whats that logo on the rear next to the Z emblem?
  14. I get bad gas mileage also and I found I had a fuel leak at one of the hoses at the fuel pump. Replaced it, but haven't noticed much of a difference. Then again i love the sound of my engine when I race through the gears!! so that doesn't help much!
  15. I didn't have any issues. Got them fairly quick and they threw in some free lug nutz.
  16. How much do they cost. I have a hobby shop by my house and may get one if its reasonable.
  17. WOW. Thats crazy. The guy looked familiar to me in the pics and then I went and looked up some of his old threads and I definately have met this guy. I almost bought the green 280z from him. But it was way to rusty! He seemed kinda quirky and a little odd.
  18. I think this car is probably extremely nice and probably has great craftsmanship. But the design and overall look of the car is a little dated in my opinion. If you dropped it a few inches, put some nicer wheels it, add front and rear bumpers, and get rid of that roof scoop it would look pretty sweet. But if someone were to buy a car like this the buyer would have to love the design as well. Especially at that price.
  19. When my fan clutch went bad it sounded like I had a tornado under the hood. But mine was seized. I took it apart and rebuilt it and it works fine now. But it did leak oil and got my engine all dirty!!
  20. Wow! Awesome post. Inspired me to start cleaning up my intake. Now I need to install my new JSK fuel rail, new injector clips, and re-route the wireing. So if I want to install a valve cover filter, it would best to wait till I get Megasquirt??
  21. This is the one problem I hate with my car. Atleast i'm glad to know i'm not the only one!! I partly blame my problem on not having a heat shield between the intake and exhaust manifold. Is anyone else missing this heat shield as well?
  22. I guess it depends on the job. I had gotten some really nice gloves from work that allow you to not loose sensitivy in your fingers. If i'm doing a dirty job I will use them. I hate when i'm working on my Z and my hands are all dirty and greasy and I want to start my car real quick to test whatever i'm working on and I realize that my keys are in my pocket!!
  23. Congrats! Man i'm jealous. Can't wait till I can start on my swap. I'm using my Z as a daily driver for now. So first I have to buy another daily and then a donor. Damn my wife is going to kill me!!
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