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Evan Purple240zt

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Everything posted by Evan Purple240zt

  1. That show is almost totally staged FYI. If you read the disclaimer it essentially states that the films are reenactments.. However this is funny as hell.
  2. Joanne fabrics also has some really nice vinyl FYI.
  3. 42 amps is WAY too low. Sounds like a junk alternator. Get a new, good known working pump. They are cheap insurance to say the least. Evan
  4. Sound performance has had very good luck with this setup on the supras. Very cool Tim.
  5. Great story, it is the small things that can change someone's life sometimes.
  6. At the time, my machine shop didn't know what an L28 was as well but they turned out to be the best machine shop I could have asked for. I am still friends with the guys who work there. Evan
  7. Since your posting this in the toyota forum, Ill say what you want to hear. 2j, and I would go that route if I did it again and wanted an inline 6.
  8. I went much further than that in an L28ET without a torque plate and everything came out great. I agree with ^. Evan
  9. Big change! Man, lookin' good Scott. You should be proud.
  10. Hmm sure is an odd question from an L28ET guy!
  11. Looks great, I had bmw recaros in my car and loved them.
  12. WOW! Motor insanity calculation sheet... awesome.
  13. Rob absolutely cracks me up. Great video too many cheezy special effects IMO. Regardless, a testament to badass driving indeed.
  14. ^ nice tip, I cut aluminum with my chop saw at one point with dismal results. Seems the toothed blade is a better bet.
  15. http://www.bulletindustries.com/Shop/Control/fp/scat/253320/SFV/32766 With a standard abrasive chop saw should work very nicely. Evan
  16. Scott, I just saw a setup on a BMW 3 series where someone modified a F/G bumper in a very similar fashion. His was crooked so thats what he was fixing, but he used a flat table type setup just like you did. Great idea man. This is really interesting to watch. Evan
  17. LS1.. and if your still happy pants for an RB and want a mid/high 400whp rb25det setup drop me an email. It is just a cherry picker and pallet away from you! Evan
  18. Pictures of the 300sx would be helpful.
  19. Happy birthday, how old are you?
  20. Awesome Scott! I love that photoshopped picture. Evan
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