Got my first Z, a 1973 Fairlady Z in 1986 for 30,000 Yen. At the time that was $197.00 and was Okinawa, Japan. Shipped it to California courtesy of the U.S. Air Force 1987. Let someone drive it and they wrecked it in 1992.
1992 Purchased a 1972 240Z with G-Nose to try to fix the Fairlady, $500.00. Ended up selling because I could not repair The Fairlady.
2002 Purchased a running and drivable 1978 Fairlady Z 2+2 for $1,200.00 (Still working on it)
2003 a 1976 280Z Coupe was offered free on to who ever would pick it up. Replaced the fuel pump, smogged, registered and gave it to my brother.
2004 purchased a 1976 280Z 2+2 for $300.00. Body was in decent shape and it ran so so. DMV fees were over $700.00 so I cut it up in the drive way for parts.
2004 was the high bidder on a 1976 280Z 2+2 listed on ebay, $155.00. Put a battery in it and drove it home. Used parts from the cut up 76 2+2 280Z to Get it looking decent. Sold to a friend.
2006 a 1978 280Z 2+2 basket case was offered on The guy spent over $4,000.00 for new parts from MSA. Included adjustable tokico's new bushing set, a factory new FI harness, and loads of other stuff. Gave him $500.00 for it all. Ended up cutting up the car because neighbor was pissed off and called the county on me.
2006 traded the fenders, hood, L28 engine, and R200 rear end out of the above basket case for a 1978 280Z coupe. Replaced the fuel pump and am now using it as a daily driver.