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Everything posted by DaleMX

  1. I think the instructions might be a little confusing. When he says 1" down from the top that is not were you want to put it, that is just a minimum distance, you have to dummy it up and measure for each car. The 1" thing is to keep you away from the gland nut.
  2. The 02 may have an LS6 block in it. It for sure has the LS6 intake and 241 heads (prefered over the 853). I think it has the EGR deleted too (may be wrong about that). Still has AIR though. 34K is nothing, but look at the flywheel when your ready to put it into something else. Mine had 28K on it and the flywheel was trashed.
  3. I'm sorry, cars dont have feelings. This thread belongs in the Non-Tech section.
  4. They did a nice job, The cage looks good too! I'm not sure what a VH45 is though, is it a Nissan V8?
  5. The brackets are held on by spot welds. You can grind through the spot weld with a drill bit, your angle grinder, or a spot weld remover. I used a 1/2" drill bit on mine. If you use a drill then dont go all the way through, just get past the spot weld. If I had it to do over again I would use the angle grinder.
  6. Bidding on ebay. If you want to pay alot then bid early and drive the price up. Personally I figure out what the highest price I'm willing to pay is, then wait until 10 seconds before the auction ends and enter the bid.
  7. After the first NO2 scene where everything blurs I removed the movie from the player and returned it to the store. Never again. I'd rather watch re-runs of Speed Racer.
  8. I had to use a hydraulic press to remove the Stub axles too, my air hammer just shook the snot out of it and me, but would not budge the shafts. Brass hammer didn't work either. The hydraulic press just pushed it out with no problem.
  9. That VRT35 has a 2.12" stroke crank. I bet that thing revs fast and screams like an indy racer.
  10. I think a caddy 500 would make for a nice swap, the 70 with an aluminum intake would weight about 40 lbs more than a SBC, and makes close to 400 hp and over 500 lb of torque. Hook it up to a nice overdrive auto and have a great sleeper. Might be a little tougher to fit, but my next one will go this route because it's alot cheaper than the LS1 I have now and parts are abundant.
  11. I mounted my AFR meter in the clock pod, worked fine.
  12. Great fan, kept the LS1 cool in Georgia heat last summer with no problem.
  13. The press is what did it. But it was still quite an ordeal. I had all the pressure it could muster on it and still it would'nt budge. So out with the map gas. After heating for a while it finally gave about an eighth of an inch. Then slowly it started out. Man you should have heard the noise it made when it gave, my ears are still ringing!
  14. I just love the way the Datsun shop manual says "after removing the bolts pull the pin out. 2 days later after sawing the control arms off, beating with a 5 lb hammer, purchasing a 12 ton press, and heating it while hammering on it I have finally removed both pins. I think I'll take a break now.
  15. Alone here too. And most of the gearheads around here seem to have something to prove, so I stay away from them. I have 1 friend I can trust to help on car stuff. He's a 60 year old X drag racer that has built a ton of AMC stuff (and a Mustang or 2 and a 39 Buick). But he live's about 60 miles away so we never get together to work on cars. But, we do work together so we get to gab and share ideas and that help's to keep me focused.
  16. I wont say it couldn't be done but the torque tube and rear end would have a huge benefit. I think you would have to retrofit the whole vette rear suspension in to make it work though. That would be a big project. I think that Phantom used a torque tube on his yet retained the stock rear.
  17. Cool read. I guess it's alot like being a fighter pilot and taking off from a carrier deck.
  18. In my last post I had detailed out a connector from advanced adapters. It is the wrong one! I have edited the post to show the correct one now. Here is the link again. http://eshop.advanceadapters.com/commerce/catalog/product.jsp?product_id=1868&czuid=1139373863609
  19. Great job! That is the way I have planned to do mine (combo kit).
  20. It wont start without a TB, and if it did it would run lean. Not a good idea. And 2000 is the average price for a running LS1 but not a good price for that one. I'd go 1000 or 1500 max. If you decide to get it and want to turn it over then disconect the wiring harness from the coils (1 connector on each valve cover). Then see if it turns over ok.
  21. It does grab! And the chatter does drive me crazy but the clutch never slips!
  22. Thanks, I'll get mine changed right away.
  23. Is my sig still too big? Where is the information about this detail? Thanks,
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