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Everything posted by rudypoochris

  1. rudypoochris


    i think the IP ban is where it hurts em hard, unless they got dial up or non static ip.
  2. Aren't all modern car's control arms alluminum?
  3. Really strange i have heard really bad and really good stories about ford vehicles, maybe it is the luck of the draw :S
  4. Just wondering what people's experiences with Ford cars is. I know alot of people dislike them but I have had nothing be good experiences from my ford Explorer. I would love to hear some horror stories and some glorification. I am just intrested in general what people think. If people want to just have a brand flame I would prefer that not to be without proper examples. I realize ford vehicles carry some arcaic elements in them, like mustangs with solid rear, hp/liter sucks, and no variable valve timing (i think maybe on the 4 cyl), and ohc finally in 96. So tryt o keep it to reliability issues and overall product quality. thanks
  5. HAHAHHA ALEX how about the v6 mustang... bwhaha
  6. i like the creative products alot. The muvo slim is awesome if anyone is looking for a good small on the fly mp3 player. It is only 512mb or 1gb can't remember but it has a mic, fm, fm recorder (save songs off the radio), and small lcd. It is the size of a credit card in plan and .25 or .31 inches thick, cant rmeember. 17 hours of battery easy, also battery is removeable so you can change it. But the nano is awesome too
  7. wow how did you do that, the nissan writing that is? That looks like it took alot of work
  8. Lysol for sure. Would baby powder suck up the mold moisture on the seats, just a thought?
  9. Looks fantastic. What impresses me most is how well you pulled off the color of the car. Some shades int he greeny yellow area can become too pastel and ruin the car but i think the color you choose was fantastic.... And, props on the engine super slick
  10. I would love to get one if i didn't have to use itunes with it. The battery life is marginal, but other then that it seems pretty trick. Great piece of design, i would snap it though so i think I will have to pass. Nice for a woman though. If you husbands are thinking of a gift idea there it is.......
  11. 190k is normal now adays it seems. My ford explorer is at that on the first block no problemns no rebuilds no anything, only clutches changed (because of my dad who roasts em at 3k going into the garage, he learded on a fiat 500 and is old can't blame him). My sister in law has an 80's accord at 380,000 miles on its 2nd block though. I think thats impresive So ya alex just go for what you want to see yourself in for the next 10 years everything is so reliable, atleast for the two choices you posed. My dads lexus had gone 7 years with no maintanance until they replaced the ball joints for free recently. (obviously there were oil changes and brake checks but those were free too i believe) so i would put the reliability bet on the toyota by a hair. But i would get the mazda because it seems nicer imho and its something new and more sporty. But on the flip side the 1zz power plant that the toyota has is pretty tried and true and has a big aftermarket if you ever want to soup it up.
  12. toyota is more reliable than the mazda maybe? Im not sure just throwing it out there. I would assume it to be though
  13. I think if you took 100 americans, 2 from each state, and asked them what the plan for rebuilding new orleans is, most would say move it. I thinkt hats what the consensus would be, for the greater good it seems to make sense that the city be rebuilt soemwhere close by that isnt under sea level. I understand how people don't want to move because it is "their home" and that is a valid point but i think if you were to ask these same people in 10 years they will probably be quite happy that their home isn't where it used to be. Also it will make one hell of a monument. Hope that wasn't offensive to anyone, and i am sorry for everyone who suffered. But before peoples emotions overide their smart decision making process, maybe people should step back and weigh the gains vs benefits. Also the everywhere is dangerous thing isn't really a good example, no offense, because it does not take into account the severity/probability of the danger. As in if you live in florida you can count on a yearly tornado pretty much, but if you live in california count on a big earthquake every 20 or so years.
  14. isnt there a civic super gas milage version forgot the name thatr got like 55mpg... civic hr or soemthing i can't rmemeber it was a special version. And **** 25 for a honda, i can get my 92 explorer to 20, but that is all freeway, then again it is also running all freeway at 85-100 mph. 17 normal though, just cause i drive too hard. im seriously going to cut back alot now since gas is getting so expensive... i acctually went 55 on the freeway today for 10 minutes :S i feel your pain, whats the deal with the $7 a gallon areas caused by katrina? Is that just because the gas stations panicked and took advantage of the situation or is there really no gas there? sorry for hijack!
  15. i think the really scary thing about it all is that we complain so much about terrorists but when you really think about it anyone could of put a couple of bombs on the levy and that would of been that... But yah definatly need to put the city above sea level kinda nuts to keep it down like that
  16. ouch man. That sucks :S too bad she wasnt on the pill or take the mourning after :S and ya i second that for abortion if thats possible, if not... adoption? Not to sound like way out there or rude.... but are you sure it is yours........... any way best fo luck man.
  17. well what year turbo z are you going to be usuing. Im pretty sure none of them require 93 octane not even the 350z, and if the car is set up to run on 89 octane i think you suffer when jumping to 93 with out timing changes, im not sure but i believe this is true because the 93 octane gas takes longer to burn then the 89.
  18. does that lsd fit with the r200 half shafts on a 240z (using 280z half's)? I don't think it does, but i could be wrong
  19. holy crap that probably costs more then my entire car....
  20. are you serious about what the judge said, cuz thats ridiculous. Ive gone 137 on 130 whp ford explorer 92..... (downhill hehe max is about 115-120 on flats) But still that judge is kinda nutz eh? i dont drive fast like that any more so please dont hammer me with omg that was so dangerous disregard etc.... i go 80 max and thats when passing, 65 is normal. thanks
  21. thats funny, i thought about that a year ago. I was thinking about putting dual gas blowers in my trunk with a linkage and eveyrthing. more as a fun project then as an acctual posibility. The not so feasible part for routing the intake tubing, as if that wasnt the only unfeasible part to it.........
  22. I asked for a quote on 4 8 spoke 16X8's was something like $2200, ouch. But they are beautiful
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