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Everything posted by woldson

  1. There was an entire thread on oil, it dealt with rounding off cams. At least it is a very interesting read. Even the synthetics were subject to the new restrictions. I'm not saying this is your unlined problem, however, it is worth looking into to protect your investment.
  2. There is continuity to the universe!!! Sorry that string was aimed at you...
  3. I like how dedicated you are, I personally have not done any swap like this so I can not comment. I'm routing for you to get her up and going:)
  4. Good point. My brother in law will get a steam cleaner and we will clean a car almost spotless before staring. Course he has a lift and incredible garage. Makes it very nice indeedy!
  5. I've never done this (although I always wish I did after every re-fomat), Back up what you can, do a low level re-format, when all drivers and updates are done, plus re-install of pics and stuff, then, ghost the drive! In the future it would save butt loads of time!
  6. I would like to say more here, but things are getting a little heavy for me, or, lack there of;) Great info though! I will say this, without any other changes to my car, lighten and balanced the apperent tourqe of the engine certainly is refective in the smell of rubber I get from driving the car like I always do. Even though I have not increased power in any way at the engine, the translated power though the drivetrain to the pavement is VERY noticeable. (acceration, throttle respone). I've posted in several threads, cuse even though it made sense to me, it really was quite surprising, plus I did not do any other "while I'm at it". There is going to be a dyno day coming up, so maybe, just maybe the results will be noteable. OK so I could not resist, sue me:)
  7. Could not afford, just lightened a 240mm stocker. Wanted to see if it really made a difference,,,,and Yes it DID! And I only took off 6.5lbs or so. Should of done little more, but safty frist! Hey Tony, yes lightening the flywheel, heavy pressure plate, then bigger rims!!! teehee. Starts to defeat the purpose abit.
  8. Ummmm, I did that once with my honda, Yep got fire!!!!!!! There went my big gulp. Soooo not a good idea.
  9. Is the block actually an iron/nickel alloy? Also, has the crank been modded in any way, knife edged? Was the pressure plate and flywheel balanced? I know you are an extrem professional, just curious. Also, what could happen if the input shaft bearing on the tranny started to have some play?(even a very small amount?)
  10. Never for work, never for car. I did with my clutch, only cuse my wife had brought home some latex gloves and it was below freezing out. Handling all that aluminum and cast iron really make your hands cold. Done in driveway. I don't like fighting the gloves, and I can not feel things as well. The latex was not bad, so I'm considering getting some.
  11. You running a lighten flywheel? Probely cost less and gets rid of alot of weight.
  12. I'm just going to jump in here. Could something caused the rotating assembly to go out of balance? Also maybe the crappier oils today take a situation that was tolerable, and cause it to crap?
  13. I had a similar situation. Esp. on a short drive. Ended up being (dang it can't remember, map, maf, the stupid trap door thingy). Adjusting that and cleaning the chts solved this. Do you have the injection fan? I knew it was not a heat soak problem, cuse the car was not hot enough to have this as an issue. It seemed that under the right conditions, with the car already running rich, the cold start injector would fire and cause a super rich condition. You could smell the gas.
  14. Odd, is the hole in the splash sheild their? Mabe someone broke the tab off of it?
  15. Congrats man!! Things in life come and go. Most everything can be replaced. A child's life is forever, cherish it, nurture it, love it and the rewards are priceless. In the end it will be all that matters.
  16. Odd, in the USA, I thought they can not run plate #'s unless they have a reason. I did note that this is in Canada. The question always remains: At what point freedoms stop and public safty begins? As for my car getting stolen, I can always get lowjack, my choice.
  17. I've been bad and have used (couple times) the cam for rear attachment. Just real carefull.
  18. OUTSTANDING JOB!! That tight shifting would be sooo nice! Is that a ZX, I thought you got rid of yours? Is it the wife's?
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