Latest update!
I reassembled my doors and of course I had to modify every thing in sight.
I had to straighten up the bent regulators and install new channel felts. I got some good used window rollers from RTZ and BRAAP( Thanks Fella's!) and reassembled the door guts.
The stock door panels were in pretty poor shape(holes for speakers, broken hardboard, tears, etc), so I decided to use the same material for new panels
as I used on my 510. ABS plastic sheeting. This stuff looks pretty good, is bullet proof, and easy to work with. It is also reasonably priced.(get it at Tap Plastics).
I used the top of the original panel and fabbed up a new lower section.
While I was at it I decided to change the door opening mechanism. I changed it to the door levers that are used in the rear of a 2+2. No particular reason why I did it, just that I could. LOL
Here are some pics!