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Everything posted by sweetleaf

  1. It may or may not be deisling but I would definately start by running some seafoam. It won't hurt anything and will definately clean your fuel system/cylinder head. I wouldn't waste your money on Premium as it will not fix anything, although it may disguise the problem. I wish people understood a little bit more about gas composition and octane ratings. I see way too many people running premium/race gas for no reason or thinking it's going to give them more power. lol. (Sorry for the rant)
  2. You just want the rim? or the whole wheel? . J/k .. Do a little searching on here. This has been discused many times. 17's or 18's are a little big on the Z IMO. You need a wheel with 0 offset. Decide on your intended use for the car before you choose a wheel. If you're just going for the bling/show factor, then it dosn't really matter what you put on there. If you want to race or even have a good daily driver, then the wheel should be matched to the occasion.
  3. WTF Is this guy thinking. Man thats some deranged ♥♥♥♥
  4. Hey badjuju, It wasn't an old white and orange construction van. Was it?
  5. Check these out. From my experience, best bang for the buck... http://www.smithy.com/MWdefault.htm
  6. Looks great, looks close to this insane mint candy color on an old porsche I worked on..
  7. If it's not pitted. Just polish the surface rust off and you'll be fine..
  8. Lol, it kinda looks like a duck (Boat that is)
  9. Happy you got it all figured out. What kind of intercooler are you going with? And like Dunnie said, A WB O2 is great to have, almost a must...
  10. Looks great, hard to see detail with the low res pics though.
  11. You can get a fuel pump for much cheaper then $200, but I would diagnose for the acctual problem first before throwing parts at it. specially scince you don't have cash. It's much cheaper to diagnose correctly, than throw parts at a car. Start by putting a fuel pressure gauge on it. If you still have no pressure make sure it is clear from the tank forward. You can always jumper the pump to test it. Good luck.
  12. I agree the smithy is probably one of the best bang for buck combo machines. If you want to learn a lot about these types of machines and their capabilities, I would brows the internet for machinist forums. The are pretty precise. Lots of small engine builders use them.
  13. Haha, Did you guys acctaully listen to his BS excuses in the interview. And him saying he hopes his haters all go down on their bikes... What a tool.
  14. Use compressed air to blow through your fuel lines to make sure there is no restriction. Check all the way from tank to rail. Have you replaced the filter? What regulator are you using? If all this is good to go, I would suspect the pump. Did you check the small screen pre-filter on the pump?
  15. Test you thermostat in a pot of water with a thermometer just to be sure it's working correctly. Pressure bleed you cooling system. Also, are you sure your're not running lean?? Doyou have a wideband O2 or EGT??
  16. I feel you man. My other Z just attacked me last sunday . (280ZX) I think it was pissed because I have neglected it due to my work on my 260ZT . I got 26 stiches and 2 cut tendants. Luckly it was my left hand...If you wanna call that lucky.. I wish a quick recovery for you. I have had multiple accidents on my bike and my dirt bike (Sold) Too many facial stiches and replaced teeth. I do miss it though..
  17. Yes you meant to ask about EMI or RFI not really EMP. Correct?
  18. Looks great. Get yourself some run blockers/shavers. It'll save you a lot of time in getting all those runs out.
  19. Myth busters sux.. I know sugar can destroy a fuel system. I have had to replace more than one complete fuel system for customers. One on a brand new Z3..
  20. Whats the offset on your wheels ??
  21. Sorry, but that car is done for.. Not saying it's impossible to salvage but all the time and money it will take. You could buy a pristine Z for..
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