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Everything posted by Careless

  1. damn, does it really need to weigh that much? I think i'll go custom
  2. heheh SHMOKEYYYYY =D has anyone seen the digital chip v12 skyline?
  3. email and complain, take a pic for them if there's no relay... try and spot consistencies in both your and their pics if possible =)
  4. I think those are the only two pages with Relays. is it letter "I" that you're looking for?
  5. i just got nissan FAST system.. I'm on it! *opens program* Careless Reporting!: I'm not used to the Nissan Fast System just yet, but here's what I got so far. =) More Information, SIR!:
  6. i know. the dude is like 102 years old, and while I'm sure he's built some hefty engines, this is why i asked here. LOL just to get some reassurance instead of using ma and pa's home recipe for destruction
  7. whered u get an ATI damper for 400 bucks? is that the same as the Rb26 damper?
  8. nice! more engine pics! who did the engine work, and what information can you give to the other RB30 threads! we got about 3 RB30 projects on their way or starting up in these forums, if not more!!
  9. great piece of info lookin for this aswell. One question i have is whhere can i get the entire RB30 FSM, as well.. when torquing to spec like these, does one usually use the median as a baseline? i figure they dont give you exact specs due to the fact that some tools may be calibrated in a different way, so would working with the middle of the range be ideal here? what's everyones thoughts on that? because a race engine builder assured me that going closer to the lower end is better if u want a "spinny" engine. :/
  10. that oil restrictor (as it is known amongst the RB crowd) is useable on ALL RB blocks as far as I'm aware. But, the diameter of the hole can be from 1/16th to 1/8th and anywhere in between depending on the power output or some other variables that i would have to look in my documents for (i recorded it somewhere) it also depends on how much oil your pump can move at a certain speed. the JUN pump supposedly flows more than the N1 pump, so you would want the hole to probably be 1/16th, where as the N1 pump would be 3/32ths... which is not quite 1/8th (this is just an example). YOU CAN make these restrictors yourself from any rod stock that can whitstand heat well (brass seems to be choice), and drill the hole to whatever size you want, or have spec'd out for yourself. make sure the rod is a touch oversized in diameter, and freeze it for some hours before you plunk it down into the hole. It should require a bit of force to get it into the oriface, even with a frozen restrictor and a room temperature block. but once they're together and both at room temp, the restrictor will be stuck in it's place, even moreso when heat builds up.
  11. wussies. come to Toronto, and make a post like this when you don't see that white stuff in the air. LOL
  12. what's that do ? LOL looks all gadgety and stuff I assume it keeps tension in the chain to avoid slapping and excessive binding/stretching at high load?
  13. i dunno.. 14.7 in the quarter mile in a factory camry sounds ok =)
  14. if you have an aircompressor, a male compressor fitting to attach a air hose to (like those on the ends of pneumatic tools) and and a home depot around, you could build a boost leak tester for under 20 bucks.
  15. looks like a bonified MS-II in a small package. Nice alternative to the DIY kits. I've built one, so I can tell. But then again, I like reading about the DIY and circuitry. so.... 795? i dunno, bit much for me for such a system. Im not sure if I would run my RB30 on that
  16. that PRC rad is really nice! which one mounts easier? ford or chevy type? and what width did you go with?
  17. my sentiments exactly. when i see this ad, it keeps playing "i am the eggman, i am the walrus, cookoo kachu!" in my head =/
  18. would you say it was worth it? how much stiffer is the car now?
  19. very well done. great way to restore a dash to an original-custom piece =)
  20. nice metal work too! and the doors should be fun fun fun LOL
  21. i always thought that if i were to go widebody on an S30 by doing something crazy with the entire rear lower quarter area, and wheel well, it would have to be without making any modifications to the door line crease. so this is why i like this so much. it keeps the same profile of that line, which i think makes the S30 what it is.
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