This is a very good write up,quite impressed,and being the small vendor mentioned in the ending this information hits home.Its good for anyone thinking of doing these modifications to read up on it and realize these things are not meant for bling factor and there is much risk involved.I havnt completely made good with myself on the fact i am selling certain parts without any long term durability testing,but at this point i have come to the conclusion that i really cant come up with anything better that will be even reasonable weight and dimension wise.Fortunately i have faith(and for good reason) in my welding and that inspires much confidence as that is where most stress will be going in my parts.Aside from that its just up to the materials that i am not in control of making to hold up,heim joints,threads and whatnot.I know that my defense here may be off topic but just had to say something.Unfortunately my primary income for quite some time has been the z car market...and no its not exactly the buisness to be in lol,so a good idea for me is very hard to hold off on.Soon i will be in the market for a "real job" and this current income will be primarily for my project funding as well as supporting this site:mrgreen: .Also i want it known that i have not tried to swindle anyone and i do like to share any truths about my parts to potential buyers,including info posted on this site.I must say im very glad to see this information being posted,wont be long before everything is covered on this site:D