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Everything posted by MoNkEyT88

  1. How did you go about making the fiberglass (I assume) molds. I'm going to be building up the fenders with foam on my project car, and then sanding them down to shape, spraying gel coat, and making a mold. If everything goes well with the mold, I'll make one out of fiberglass and if it turns out well, one out of carbon fiber. Then I'll cut off the steel fender in the offending area, and bam.. carbon fiber 1/4 panels. I need a nice new vacuum pump for infusion though.
  2. How did you go about making the gusseting in between the A pillar and the roll cage? also -- <--- Jealous.. <-- also a Suby owner.
  3. Sold the 76, now I can work on buying a house, working on the 74 project, tig welding my STI exhaust.. on top of working 7 days a week.
  4. Replaced head gasket and pretty much everything else. I can't find the vacuum port where the vacuum advance connects for the distributor, can anyone help me?
  5. I've never understood why people would want to damage other peoples stuff. I guess I wouldn't make a good psychiatrist. Or maybe I have morals.. that could be it. Hope you get it fixed, hope the sick puppy who did it gets what he's owed.
  6. I understand what you're saying, but I don't think it would have any negative effect on the expansion of the material. Most vehicles have a shield on the inside of the rotor, which must hinder cooling. Edited to add.. okay, my car doesn't have the shields.
  7. Not for the Z, but I wanted to show them off.. Click for huge pic - http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4682/41608002ir6.jpg
  8. Post the message here and have someone forward it to them.. I'm betting its spam filtering. I know you're not sending spam, but thats my guess.
  9. It's pretty bad, the floor's are rusted pretty bad, as well as most of the under body. Spots of rust on some panels. I may drive it a few times to make sure everything is running correctly, but I will sell it then to fund other projects.
  10. The most powerful caddy may be this Cadillac 16, 1000HP and 1000FTlbs. But, as for production cars, yes thats a beast.
  11. Here is the formula for segmented bends. CLR = Center Line Radius (radius of the bend measured through the center of the tubing) D = Diameter of Tube _____ L = Length of long side of pie cut - the top of this pie cut -> ____/ Angle = angle to cut pie section which, this angle is measured perpendicular to the length of the tubing Bend Angle = The angle of the bend N = number of pie sections to complete bend * means multiply L = [ ( 2 * CLR ) + D ] * [ sin ( Angle ) ] Angle = Bend Angle / ( 2 * N )
  12. I would just purchase some tubing from a local steel supplier or online. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.
  13. Thanks for the link to the manual. I've taken the most of the motor apart, ready to install new gaskets etc.. looks like the head gasket was leaking in a few spots. All this freshening up and I plan on selling it.. lolz..
  14. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/SMEC05H They have head bolts sold separately.
  15. Also, early signs are nose bleeds, as there is only a thin layer of skin on your septum in your nose. If you weld stainless a lot and notice nose bleeds, get checked out.
  16. If I were you I would grind it down flush with the tubing. Those welds should be stronger than the tubing if you were using the right wire and gas. I like TIG welding for small stuff like that. If you have one at your school try it out. I was working on this for my STI.
  17. Accessories cost more than the gun.. check.
  18. Maybe if they were trying to preserve them they would store them in a DRY place.. lol.. unless it looked like that when they put it in there.
  19. You could have an exhaust leak somewhere. And the engine could be running too rich, so the popping could be a sign of unburnt fuel burning. My STI sounds pretty wicked. 4" down pipe into 3" back. Combined with an exhaust leak, and the whine from the turbo it sounds like it shouldn't be coming from a car.
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