I'm just back from out-of-town -
Here's what we've got:
All sensors reading correctly in Megatune, 10 degrees advance, 180-220 rpm indicated while cranking. Seems to be rich, plugs wet, injectors pulsing (clicking). Spark present but looks weak, not the big fat purple MSD ones we're used to.
The MS has a VB921 installed - I suggested to Gabe today that he remove the MSD, set a suitable dwell, and use the VB921 to fire the coil minus directly. Gabe, I think you can do this with no changes to the circuitry.
Probably should look at injector pulsewidth while cranking, should be in the 2-4 Msec range. I think Gabe said it was around 3, but can't remember.
I'm about out of ideas...