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Everything posted by cockerstar

  1. The S1 transmissions used a straight shifter, and the S2 ones used an "S" shaped one. They are not compatible and it would take a great deal of work to adapt an early one to use on a late transmission.
  2. I understand you have the drawing of a header flange. What is the flange used on, and can I get a copy of the program file. I would like to make a flange to begin work on a turbo header if I can.

    REGARDS: Jeff Priddy

  3. I'm not particularly set on anything automotive, but an EV would be cool. I doubt I cn get approved for that kid of funding from the department though. I'm guessing that any proposal above the ~$3-500 mark willl ge shot down due to cost. What's been going on in the back of my head is a hig pressure (~55 bar) air/potato cannon. There's lots of math involved in the process determining the effiency, and plenty of fluid dynamics as far as making an efficent design. Cost should reasonable, and it would be fun to mess with after it's done. Woldson, I'll do some research and see how feasable the idea is. I doubt it will be, but it would be prett awesome
  4. For my engineering class at PLU I have a research and development project that is open to essentially anything I want, So I'm trying to come up with some ideas of what to make. It's department financed (pending approval of my proposal), but if I finance it whatever I make will me mine to keep. Some of the past projects my professor rattled off included solar-powered remote controlled cars, a giant trebuchet, and even a distillery, so I'm trying to think of something that will be fun to make and use. It would be a huge plus if the materials cost was low enough for me to finance it myself too. I know how to fabricate and weld, but I am not entirely sure of what tools I have open to me on campus (not that I would likely need much more than a welder, torch, and grinder). So guys, give me some ideas! I've got one brewing in my mind that I like, but it's clouding other great possibilities.
  5. Take a look and drop me a PM if you're serious. The 71 would make a great starting platform http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=153629
  6. Why would you orient a same-side intercooler so the entrance and exits were on the passenger's side?
  7. Here is his thread with the details: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=153315 Send him a PM if you haven't. He's a nice guy and responds fairly quickly
  8. I have a running and driving 71, series one in Tacoma, WA if you're interested. Only asking $1400. PM me if interested. Thanks, Ryan
  9. Price on it right now isn't bad at all either! Sure it would be really fun to tune too...
  10. I don't see any pics, but it sound like it definitely has some great potential!
  11. What are your power goals and approximate budget?
  12. or 3/4 of a second with the 1/2" I like the way you do business.
  13. That 5th gear is a huge reason why I swapped a whole new tranny in, rather than just fixing my slipped shift fork
  14. Should be fine. All stock block+head combos are within the reasonable realm of turbocharging with their stout lower ends and cpr. If adaquate fuel is maintained, and the IAT's are kept low, even the least ideal of the n/a combos should't have issues holding 12psi of boost if everything is in good condition. Some stock n/a block and head combos are good for 17+ psi while staying reliable. It's all in the tuning to keep detonation at bay
  15. It might be fine, but you're always playing it safe when you do an engine bay in black
  16. In washington, you can get set up on a monthly payment plan for any ticket if it's going to be going on your record, even if they judge agrees to reduce it. It's only if you get it differed off of your record that you have to pay it in full. I got my ticket differed, and the clerk at the payment window still offered to set me up on a payment plan because my $235 ticket was, "pretty big".
  17. Does Justin have the molds for the 280zx hatch too? Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but that's the first one I've ever seen for the s130.
  18. How much boost is it running from the factory? I'm sure a few more pounds won't hurt anything
  19. The value of the zx is rising as a whole, in a similar fashion as to the rise in value of the second gen camaro. I've noticed the trend since I first got into z cars about two and a half years ago, mainly due to my first z being a 79 208zx. I don't know if it's the s30 getting harder to find in good shape, or the people that grew up as a kid admiring the s130 getting to the age where they're looking to drop a bit of change on a toy that's attributing to the rise. It could be that so many 208zxt's are getting yanked from the road as donor cars too.
  20. What are the goals for the car? DD with the occasional auto-x? If so, my vote goes for the na with creature comforts
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