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Everything posted by aarang

  1. I emailed Kim as well and asked about a group buy discount. He said he would get back to me as soon as he found out more on pricing, colors, sizing and availability.
  2. I really like my ACT HD pressure plate and street disk along with the aluminum flywheel on my turbo car. I had a SPEC previously and it didn't last very long. I think you will find that the lightened flywheel is a good addition to any street/track Z. For me at least it was one of the best things I have done to my car.
  3. All I can think is "Great, more 15 inch wheels that look good but aren't big enough." When will they make this stuff in 16 or 17 inch?
  4. Was your cam specifically ground for the hydro head? If I remember correctly, the mech and hydro cams are not really interchangeable. I would do a search to be sure. Also, the conversion to mech pivots on your P90a is relatively cheap and easy. The Timeserts were only about $35.
  5. My wife had a 2005 Ninja 250 that we bought brand new. Two years later the rear tire did the same thing. The dealer put a new one on for free....after that I put new tires on my SV650 as they were getting old.
  6. Last time I checked, Panasports were still rather expensive. I was quoted $875 for a 16x9. That is per each wheel!
  7. Clean all of the engine harness plugs including at the ECU. Remove the plugs, get some electro contact cleaner, spray them, reinstall. I would highly recommend getting some Caig Deoxit for all of the connectors as well or some dielectric grease. They help with the oxidation that builds up on these old connectors.
  8. HHHMMMM, I think I will try this as I have a two year old HP laptop that had an intermittant white screen.
  9. Well, at least I know now that when I get T-boned by a truck in my S130 I can just roll it back over and keep going!
  10. One more thing you could consider is to just convert the pivots to solid with Timeserts. I think 12 of them cost about $30. You could take the pivots and cam,etc. from the N/A engine. Watch BigPhil's video. It's pretty damn easy to do, and doable with the engine in the car.
  11. I just don't understand the last hit. Was that guy passing with his eyes closed?
  12. Compression ratio won't change as the P79 and P90 have the same chamber. The only thing that would be of concern if one or more of the exhaust liners came out from the heat. If you kept the boost reasonable and didn't flog it too much, I would run it temporarily. If you didnt want to change the head, you could remove the hydraulic pivots from the P90a and see if you can clean them or Overhaul them. There is a post on here somewhere that addresses that.That is the route I would take as there would be less work and money spent on gaskets and such for a head swap.
  13. You need the sleeve/collar for the throwout bearing from the turbo is what he means. They are not all the same. That is the part that the throwout bearing is pressed onto.
  14. Cutting the one off the stock downpipe is the easiest way to do it.
  15. Some of the older Nissanliterature has conflicting info as to what fluid to use for the T5. If I remember correctly, the owners manual says to use 80w90 and the turbo trans supplement says to use ATF.
  16. You need to use a fluid that is rated for the yellow metals in these older transmissions. Redline MTL comes to mind, and that is what I use. Shifts really well ( for the T5). I don't think a WC T5 needs that type of fluid. Also, some of the older literature I have for the T5 has conflicting info. Some say to use trans fluid (80w90) and some say to use ATF.
  17. Just as the title states, I need a 280ZXT AFM in working order. I will pay for shipping of course. Thanks
  18. If you have enough money, you can do anything you want!
  19. You can buy an angle grinder and some cut off wheels at Harbour freight for $14. I wouldn't bother with the Dremel.
  20. Just because you have a "good quality Matco gauge" does not make it correct. Try a different gauge and see what happens.
  21. I know this is a dumb question, but are you sure the clutch in the fan is working correctly. Unless your car is running hot, the fan should be "coasting" at 7K rpm. Does the fan make alot of noise? The clutch may just be locked up.
  22. Adam Corolla was supposed to do the show. At least he is somewhat funny and a Nissan/Datsun guy to boot. I'll try to watch again to give it the benefit of the doubt.
  23. I owned S30's ( all 240's) from the late eighties all the way up to 2001. I got my first S130 shortly after selling my last 240. I can say that from being a product of the eighties that I like my fat bumpered 280ZX much better than the 240's I had. And now I actually have the money to spend on the damn thing!
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