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Everything posted by j260z

  1. check out these guys for fans http://www.flex-a-lite.com/auto/lowprof.htm
  2. check out this site http://www.sdsefi.com/
  3. just got my coilovers and am trying to get the rest of the parts needed to finish up. i need to order new strut mount insulators and bearings, which i can still do through nissan, but i can't find the spacers for my rear struts, which are nla through nissan. i know i can order them through VB but i was wondering if anyone knew what they were made of? my other questions are: 1: i've seen the caster/camber kits from ground control and was wondering whether they would be much noisier and harsher than the stock insulator? 2: i'm planning on getting adjustable lower arms all around and was also wondering if it would be overkill to get the ground control units also?
  4. http://www.modern-motorsports.com just got my coilovers 10" 175/225 front/rear, 300zxt cv adapters and 5 bolt stub axles. Ross is the guy to deal with.
  5. i had my 260z up to 134 mph when it was completely stock and would have gone faster if it wasn't for the fact i had a 4-speed. this was about 15 years ago when i wasn't afraid of the fact that the front wheels would barely stay on the ground due to the bad aerodynamics at speed.
  6. j260z

    CF Hood

    i found an old email i sent to the guy that made the cf hood on the previous page. his name is johnathan and his email is Loch10@hotmail.com . i don't know if he is still making them or not but it's worth a try.
  7. you could always try and get your hands on the mythical twin-cam, crossflow head by O.S. Giken from japan. if they do exist they're probably $15,000 by now!
  8. this site is a double edged sword. on one hand everyone is working towards a better car but on the other hand it makes me want to totally rethink the way i'm building my car every time i visit this site. keep up the good work!
  9. you don't have an adjustable proportioning valve but there is one there. there should be one on the firewall just to the left and under your brake booster (also called a pressure regulating valve in the haynes manual)(this is where an adjustable proportioning valve would go) and another one on the drivers fenderwall just under the master cylinder (called a dual circuit pressure differential switch in the haynes manual) . either one of those could have crud in them. the one on the fenderwall has the takeoff for the drivers side brake on it and the one on the firewall has the takeoff for the passenger side and rear brakes on it.
  10. zing is believing. sorry, i had to point that out. i can't stand bad spelling.
  11. check out this site http://www.geocities.com/row4navy/head2.html from what i can find intake valves are the same from: 70 240z - 75 260z 75 280z - 80 280zx 81 - 83 280zx exhaust valves are the same from: 70 - 73 240z 74 260z - 80 280zx 81 - 83 280zx
  12. check out this site also http://www.circlekarting.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=CR&Category_Code=st
  13. that's right in line with the setup i'm building. the only other cost you may have would be if the cv's needed rebuilding.
  14. have you checked out the proportioning valve? working sometimes and not others sounds wierd with calipers. i'm thinking you may have something in the line at the valve that would prevent it from working properly because the front brakes are run off the same seal in the master cylinder so if the seal failed then both front brakes would act up not just one. does this make any sense? i think it would be a good place to start.
  15. check out this link http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=19927&highlight= ivan280zt has 18s on his car.
  16. stony, did you just swap the inner cvs onto the opposite shafts?
  17. thanks for clearing that up guys!
  18. the other conversion involves the cvs from the 300zx turbo. check out this thread. http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=20393&highlight= this is the setup i'm going with.
  19. that is great! that means i can put that setup on my car and still use my origional wheels and have an e-brake while i'm doing the restore. i was dreading not being able to have any brakes on the car until i could buy some bigger wheels and tires.
  20. well, i talked to my heating guy today and the propelyne glycol they use specifically states that it is not to be used in cars. so there goes any plans to save some money on a cooling system like the evans one. i guess if you want to go that route you'll just have to pay whatever they're asking. in all fairness, it does look like a great setup and well worth the money.
  21. those look like a libra wheel. i have a set of those in 14" also. how much clearance do you have between the top of the caliper and the rim?
  22. it may not be done but at least it's running! looks good so far.
  23. it should come straight off.
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