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Everything posted by neotech84

  1. I was thinking get them, rebuild them, (kits are cheep most under 100$) then sell them if you don't find a use for them. It would be a good learning tool.
  2. I think you should search and figure out what YOU want to do....... we have no way of knowing exactly what you want done and can only help if you ask better questions. But if you rebuild the motor and refresh the head and turbo you should be good for another 200K+ miles.
  3. (sorry to dig up a grave......) This needs a sticky, why might you ask?? It would solve a lot of miss information about the JZ engine. It is a more complete version of the wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_JZ_engine PLEASE!!!!!
  4. +1 for the video. wasn't that dude your old avitar flatblack?
  5. Check the megasquirt thread. All the genius squirts are there.
  6. Check here http://www.nada.com/ it has car values listed. (edit) Very sorry I forgot they don't go back that far........
  7. Yep the Brakes, Wheels, Suspension and Chassis section is FULL of ideas!
  8. It should fit in the 280Z (280ZX might work too!) with a few changes to the body and the usual swap stuff. (ie motor mounts, drive line, ect.) I would look for a good manual tranny to go with it. (maybe a fund raiser????) Have fun, and take lots of pics!
  9. oh.... I missed your post. my bad.
  10. Great question! here is a quick pic and a link to the seccond best site in the world.... next to google. Block and takle it make the work light by doing most of the work. http://www.howstuffworks.com/pulley.htm great overview of pulleys. sorry datsun79z I thought it needed a simple answer. so I found a pic!
  11. Not sure...... but I bet he could use it as a raft if it starts to crack........
  12. they are pretty good motors...... I should know I have the Chrysler T&C with the 3.8L. Yes laugh it up I own a mini-van.... But I would think if you don't want the fastest Z on the block, sell the motor, buy a RWD motor set (even a 4 cyl) and fab that in there. Not that I am trying to discourage you. By all means DO IT!! but i am thinking money and time factor. Let us know what you decide to do!
  13. lol I did too..... This seems to be one of those seemingly common questons that have not been put in one place..... When the answer is found it will get posted.
  14. +1 for cut and paste!!! I LOVE that it has the body lines..... but the grill lights and side vents..... are just too much. but it a sweet rendering. (edit) I totaly forgot the Power Buldge!!! that is the best!!!
  15. Check out this CL Mercedes done MOSTLY in spray foam!! http://englishrussia.com/?p=1949 Not sure if a thread is out there in some forum devoted to the build but this site has most of the body work shown in pics. I give him props for his design. but some of the style needs work..... like the buck tooth grill..... and enormous wheels. Just a few preview pics.
  16. +1 I agree, if you are not too keen on the idea just fab it up but don't install it permanently. Then blast it and weld away!
  17. I would start with a little searching..... I know that is not what you were looking for but this is a common enough question that you can find the answer too. keep it simple, like "280zx header"
  18. Check out this post http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=103512 it has what you need. Do a little more searching that is a common question, there are even stickies devoted to these options under the drivetrain sub catagory. hope this helps!
  19. +1 Thanks for the post. I have read many write ups on oil and it make me laugh at how much people REALY don't know!!! (they think they do!!!) Learn something new every day!
  20. WHAT WERE THEY SMOKING????? So here is what went on in my mind when i was trolling over this oger....... .....Hey that looks like a hacked up buick........ But wait I know that B pillar from some where, and the mirrors, door, and the window is too slanted.....(ruled out the buick) Still looks horrendous!!...... Then I causght a glimpse of the dash, and scrolled to see the sterring wheel...... WTF? who would do that to an innocent 2+2 ZX like this!!! Then I was laughing so hard because they kept the auto, crappy aftermarket cd player and covered the dash!!!! I think I stopped breathing! we can have a Burning death match!! To see who burns the slowest!
  21. What??? I understand what you mean, but have you made sure all is lined up no advance just stock marks??? I would think that is one of the first places to start, its free and it will rule out one more thing...... But if you have then good for you and I missunderstood what you ment. Hope that makes sence. +.02
  22. I have just the diagram you need!!! it took me a while in paint to get it right......... but it works every time!
  23. JCF update??? did you find a shipping price? maybe a good est. on cost + shipping?
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