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need a good laugh at my expence..read this


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Im the master chief/cook in my house, today Im making CHILLI , to make a short story even shorter, Im useing the cutting board and dicing up a half dozen HALBANERO PEPPERS , when the urge to visit the facilities , becomes urgent, now without thinking too hard (remember IM OLD)I stop what Im doing , and head over too the bathroom,and durring the process of standing at the facilities I touch some sensitive male anatomy, with the same hand I was dicing the peppers with, THE wife comes RUNNING when I YELL "DAMN IT! YOU ARE ONE DUMB S.O.B." because she knows the tone of voice usually proceeds a trip to the emergency room and stitches....shes almost in tears LAUGHING when she finds me in the shower running cold water and soap over tender parts of the male anatomy and I explain what happened......kind of like placing a lighted oxy-acetolene torch in your lap, pointed at your crotch and the results seem similar for a few minutes...

Id advise avoiding the experiance, and washing your hands VERY carefully BEFORE touching ANYTHING after cutting a half dozen HABANAROS........the really sad part is I know better! I rubbed my eyes after cutting up those HALBANARO peppers 30 years ago, I won,t do THAT again EITHER



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LOL... I hear tell of a fellow that had exactly that done to him by his girl friend... wont go into details of how she did that to him... but you all have imagination enough to fill in the blanks. It was a "sore subject" for quite a while in the household = ) I also got into dutch with my "much loved" :icon56: step-father because after a chili roasting and peeling session, I judiciously washed my hands at the kitchen sink. Apparently I left a fair amount of oils on the sink towel, which he promptly rubbed into his eyes a few minutes later. I probably would have gotten off quite easily except for the uncontrollable giggles fit I fell victim to. He decided that the appropriate way for me to develop some empathy was to have me rub my eyes with the same towel. For some odd reason I always did enjoy seeing that man's constant struggles with pain and karma.

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Funny stuff! I think you have a new nick name, HOT ROD......... Dan, can you make that happen?


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, this is too funny!!!

It does remind me of a similar experience. I was changing a tank selector valve on a BIG old Dodge dually once, well the plug I used for the supply line popped out and Soaked me from the waist down with gas. Well, *&^$%#$^^% no biggie I will finish the job then take a shower. Then a few short minutes go buy, and the "parts" were burning like a mofo. A friend of mine was there and said WTF is going on as I cursed, cussed, and fussed as I stripped down to my undies and had him hose me down as I applied soap.

That was about 17 years ago and I still hear about it sometimes. I think he actually hurt himself laughing!!

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Yea, I'm going to (somewhere) for laughing too hard at that one. And to say I've had many people look at me weird, comment or question my habit of washing my hands before going to the bathroom. I just give them something to think about by telling them people's hands are dirtier then their stuff.


I think that's about all I learned back in highschool chemistry.

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Oh man! I did the same thing Grump! Except I did wash my hands and some oil must of stuck under my finger nails. Well later on the wife and I decided to fool around, and I notice this painful look on her face. I asked what's wrong, and she said she was burning down there! We stop and I noticed the same with me! Here we are screaming around the bedroom, running to the bathroom to douse water on us, Oh!!!!!

My new nickname after that is Sting!!! :)

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I was using gasket remover while rebuilding a motorcycle engine. I nelt down while working and sat on the top of the spray can,soaking a tennis ball size circle on my rear. At first it felt real cold, I assumed it was WD40 and reached back and knocked the can away and proceded to work. About 3o seconds was all it took to start burning my ass in a bad way. I ran in the house pulling my pants down in the process, wife was on the phone and just had a look of astonishment. After getting out hte shower I had a large blistered spot on my rear. Used diaper rash creme for a couple of days, figured had 2nd degree burns. It still gets brought up in conversation today.

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Last summer, I was in one of those fancy Thai restaurants, where they cut them up like garnish. Paying more attention to my company then my plate, stuffed one in my mouth and commenced chomping. All I'm going to tell you is that I was not very damn pleased ... for a long time. I'm still seeing a therapist for the emotional trama ack.gif

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My grandpa used to have a small dropper of ecanesia and one of halbenaro extract(really hot!!) and they looked almost identical. Goes to the fridge to get the ecanesia to put drops in his eyes (helps eyes) and accidentaly grabs the halbenaro. Well you know the rest of the story.


I had a similar experience to you but with my eyes.

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