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I spend time doing a lot. I seem to put some much time, money and effort into things. So right now I enjoy.


My 2JZ-GTE 240Z and 1964 Convertible Falcon


RC Cars, Nitro and electric (way too much)


Dirt Biking (YZ426F)


Taking Japanese at Community college(Watashi wa nihongo binkyooshimasu.)


Old Mechanical Music

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Paintball: Spyder AMG (electro-pneumatic, open bolt blowback, 15bps in semi-auto) and Tippmann 98 (open bolt blowback, 20" barrel, scopes, custom stock, ghille cover, 8 years old and ~25,000 rounds run through it!)


The 260Z and all of that mumbo-jumbo...



Playing with SolidWorks and designing car parts.


I used to go mountain biking until I was riding my bicycle on the road and ended up shattering my jaw.


How about this "Hobo Stove" that I made literally with tin cans out of garbage cans and a pair of tin snips that my Grandfather had from the 20's.


Gets the middle inner can red hot...LOL

Made from 3 small coffee cans, a big popcorn can, and a bunch of tin foil crumpled around the inner cans for insulation. I also got a grate from a stove in the city recycling center. I put good size rock(4"x4"x1.5") under the inner middle can to keep temps down on the bottom of the bigger can.

It took about 2 hours and a bunch of cuts on my hands...but it works great!!!

I can be cooking in 3-5 minutes! It actually smokes very little beause of the very high temperatures inside the combustion chamber.

Also have to be careful with using aluminum pans...Warped some of mom's pans REALLY bad so I now use some OLD cast iron pans that were handed down to me from the same grandfather.


The nice thing is that you hardly need any breeze for it to work. Even if there is no breeze you can get it started with breath power and then it will just about suck air in from the high velocity of the hot air creating a vacuum and pulling air in from the side.

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^^^ Olderthanme, you got so caught up in camping stuff, you forgot to mention your fencing hobby. :2thumbs:


Here are my "hobbies" in descending order:


1) Z-cars (of course)

2) Hanging out with my Akita dog

3) CAD modeling and Simulation (a spinoff from my career)

4) Playing guitar

5) Artifacting (well, I don't do this anymore since it has been illegal in Oregon for many years now)

6) Getting drunk and hanging out in bars, etc.


#6 used to be my #1 a while back, but I quit drinking completely...the money saved really helps the new #1 hobby! :P

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Dungeons and Dragons, LAN Gaming, reading, painting Battlefleet Gothica models, studying for a carreer in Computer Forensics, Battletech...


um...Am I in the right forum?:-D


Oh, yeah, and trying to figure out what the hell to do with the 280z rusting in my mother's driveway!


And driving.....really, really fast.

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^^^ Olderthanme, you got so caught up in camping stuff, you forgot to mention your fencing hobby. :2thumbs:

Oh yeah... in 2000 I was national points champion for my age group. In '05 I was state open category (anyone) champion and open category second place in '06.

I quit being full-time nationally competitive at the end of '05. Too much $$$$$!!! Makes Z's look like pocket change!

I have over 75 medals/trophies/cups boxed away in the back of the closet...

OLD pic of some of them...



Forgot to add sailing catmarans. (mostly old Hobie 16's and Getaways)

Took sailing as a PE course at college in the spring 07 semester...

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just branching out into 3-D character modeling:




video gaming (mostly retro games, 8-16 bit era games is retro for me, but i like the truly classic arcade games as well)



skateboarding (though rarely any more)

fabrication of items to facilitate general tom-foolery (like this big daddy costume from halloween with a functional spinning drill)


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I have many interests, but old cars are my primary one... I'm hoping to be making a living out of it quite soon. :) I'm a motoring journalist, and I work for two magazines - I treat these jobs as hobbies. I especially like classic JDMs, American muscle cars and hot rods. This is me with a RX-7 that I wrote about a year ago. Fabulous car...




I also love vintage planes and submarines, and I'm interested in the history of both world wars in general.






In my free time and during vacations I do skiing and sailing (also windsurfing). I couldn't find a picture of me skiing, so I put Bode Miller instead. :D The yellow boat in the lower picture (POL-19 sail number) is me. That was two years ago... Feels a lot longer than that.






Here's my Datsun project, aka "The Money Pit". Will this restoration ever end?




Apart from the things I wrote about, I also like scuba diving (I'm a rookie though), rock music (AC/DC, The Doors, Deep Purple, INXS just to name a few) and gangster movies (The Godfather, Goodfellas, The Untouchables), leather jackets, military jackets (especially U.S. Army), old watches and some other things that I forgot to write about...

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-My Wife and family

-Z Car, Explorer Sport (really anything mechanical :) )

-Used to Mtn Bike when I was in Shape, would really like to hit those bike parks in Whistler I saw on TV the other day.

-Home theater stuffs

-Working on the house

-Dinking w/ stuff, my latest URGE is to start making some GREEN products of some sort out of the junk in my garage

-X360 (Currently Rainbow 6 and Forza 2) Crystal likes Rainbow 6 waayyy too much, currently we are playing for an hour almost every day!


I'm sure there's more, but all of the above is the reason it takes me forevery to do anything, and i'm sure you all are the same way!

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well i guess ill try.

im a big paintball player (1 intimidator, 1 spyder that is upgraded to the max, 1 autococker)

bmx, although i dont do it much anymore.

nitro rc cars

electric rc planes

playing around in solid works

burning and blowing stuff up (im a pyro, and love it)

wrenching, on friends cars and especialy the Z.


that just about sums up my hobbies

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Wow, very similar hobbies to mine on here. This is going to be a long one...



Junior - Information Systems Major (IT Guy)



Director of Technology for UATV (campus TV station)



Athlon 64 X2 4200+ 2GB Ram 80GB and 400GB SATA

Gaming (CS, CS:S, HL & HL2 Series, Portal, Oblivion, COD4, Doom 3, C&C series, All of the Myst series)

Web Design

Video & Photo Editing

Building comps for other people


RC Flying:

HDX-450 Helicopter

E-flite Mini-Pulse XT

Scratchbuilt Mid-wing 3D Foamie



1998 Buick Regal GS - Supercharged 3.8L V6, 11psi

Trying to get a Z

Car Audio Stuff



I love listening to anything but hardcore Rap. I'll do country, rock, hip-hop, love jazz, etc.

Played the trumpet for 8yrs, but haven't in about 2yrs (no time or place in college now that I'm out of band)

I like to mess around with a few guitars I have, still trying to teach myself.


Other Stuff:

Hiking, Mountain Biking, Skiing, Sailing, Camping, Spelunking, Rock Climbing, Aviation, Anime, Stargate Series, Star Trek Series, etc.



Needless to say I have WAY too many hobbies for a college student (to afford).

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