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Everything posted by madkaw

  1. Wasn't sure how to title this thread - but here it goes , Just swapped out my triple Mikunis 40's for MS controlled N42 intake. Why? because ready to move on. Basic engine parameters haven't changed much. Head was shaved another .020 to bump CR. Characteristics of my performance have changed in the way the engine pulls. Triples hit hard and performance thru rpms seemed pretty linear . Engine pulled hard all the way to redline ,7000 from as low as 3000. N42 is more turbo effect or non linear and pulls hard later . I have a little stretch of road that I've done many hard runs on 0-100mph, and comparing the two I would say that that the two different set ups get to 100mph about the same time, but the N42 seems less torquey? I would thought of just the opposite thinking about the engine it was designed for, but I realize it's about the complete package. I had my isky 490/290 on #2 cam hole to get intake closing correct , but now I am on #3 now. With a total of + .055 head shave , maybe I need more cam advance to bring my power band down , or maybe the reality is that I will never get the same performance curve between these two induction systems. I did NOT degree my cam second time around . I shaved another .020 off head to bump ,,CR and thought it would need another bump in advance valve timing. I have a Nismo gear on there which would give me #4 or 8 degrees before I would need to advance a whole tooth??
  2. Sorry I let this thread for dead, but swap is complete . A lot of things could have gone wrong here but somehow the L gods were good to me and it all came together. The N42 bolted up , but I worried about the lack of support for the inner runners 3&4 where they bolt to the head. I've had no vacuum leaks so it must have seated well enough. Ive shaved off .050+ off this head , no shins. I dropped the cam (towers and all) from the top of my workbench, No leaks - no real issues , just fun tuning - on a laptop!! The driving experience is a bit different . The Mikunis seem to hit harder during WOT , but the EFI is right there - it comes on a little less linear as far as power. No raw fuel smells !!! Quiet in tank fuel pump!! Tuning is much more fun and a lot less work . No looking back for me. Need to get to the dyno and see how the numbers look.
  3. I'm going to Panama City on vacation in August- maybe meet you and take me for a ride?! I probably won't ever do a LS1 conversion , but would love to feel 500 hp in a Z. Congrats
  4. Okay- I'm a dumb ass. I had the setting to just content I participated in under new content . Must have done that by accident because I didn't even know I could . So I was living in my own little Hybridz world
  5. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    So far so good on my fuel tank vent set up. I haven't experienced any fuel smells so far . I knew it would be less getting away from the Mikuni open Float bowls, but wasn't sure about pressure build up in the gas tank. Eventually I would like to put a charcoal canister in line for storage for when the car sits for longer periods and the venting fuel has no where to go because the engine isn't running to suck the fumes out.
  6. I admit I don't post as much but I try to continue my threads for info to be available to future z builders. Life gets in the way for sure.
  7. Changed my settings in New Content- didn't even know I could . I'm not very observant - maybe the wife is right- lol
  8. Jeff , Do yourself a favor and contact Richard( chickenman) to help you out . If that part of the tune is wrong, other parts of the tune are also probably wrong . I am also old school and just converted to MS3 on my L24. Richard helped me to get the ball rolling. He can walk you thru a tune and knows MS well enough to get me tuned in one evening. It was a basic tune so I can enjoy my car while I learn more. An hour an half conversation and some team viewer work and I was driving to Coffee and Cars the next day. It's a steep learning curve to make the change, but you should be able to enjoy your ride while you are learning
  9. So I'm not seeing the new posts everyday . I have a direct link in for 'new content' , so maybe that's the issue. I see something under new content maybe every other day ? Hate to think everyone has resorted to FB for their Datsun fix . I don't mind the quick fix on FB, but no good discussions or projects to follow.
  10. Never seems to be any new content when I check in. Has everyone gone to Facebook to post?
  11. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    Trim pot would be nice for cold idle warm up time. I actually thought about a manual idle air control in form of a knob to control an air bleed to raise idle speed during cold starts! Really enjoying the MS ! Tuning is actually fun again - lol
  12. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    So I've had more time to play-but not enough ever-really! The car ran, runs, decent and this last week was more about me experimenting to see how bad I could f@ck up Richards tune. Thankfully files can be saved and is saving my ass anyway. I believe my biggest issue was getting the VE tables tuned in based on Richard's tune. I couldn't get rich enough AFR's at WOT once I got into the power band. Nothing wrong except trying to figure out how much fuel the VE tables needed to have. I tried the auto-tune VE analyzer, which actually worked well for everything midrange on down, but wouldn't fix my WOT lean issue. I was beginning to doubt my choice of injectors being that I used a stock Bosch replacement for the 1.8 turbo-which has a very wide spray pattern which might have been impeding flow by hitting the walls too much. In the end, it was a matter of really bumping the numbers in the VE up quite a bit-then I found the power button !!!!!!!! Now I can dial in WOT AFR to precision -very nice. Something that took a lot more work and trial an error with Mikunis. I would say that the motor runs just as strong as with my 40's. Look mom, no gas on my hands .
  13. I've read using the spray copper sealant for the HG
  14. Have you considered getting another short block and putting together another motor and just swapping. Short blocks are usually very usable regardless of miles and a cheapy felpro gasket . It's probably the same amount of work or less to swap an entire motor than a head swap. Another thought, if the 42 head is still open(chambers not welded up), then you might get away with a bit more on the the semi open e88. Run the e88 with a bigger cam and less timing and might be better off. Decisions!!
  15. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    So Richard and I had a session on team viewer which was quite cool. Using this media he could walk me thru the tuner studio settings and make changes as needed. The required fuel did turn out to be much less than MS software came up with, I don't know enough to argue one way or another , but I know the tune 'chickenman' help me put together ran pretty well . Good enough that I drove it the next day to C&C with no issues-first drive EFI!. Getting this baseline will really help me get a performance tune done quicker. I actually went out yesterday and drove and tuned, and drove and tuned, and I didn't get any gas on me at all-LOL. Power level is actually pretty damn strong, but my wideband was acting up a little. I did bump up the timing a bit Richard
  16. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    Well I'm pretty happy that my motor started right up first try- though pig rich . Just glad I know it runs and start tuning. Richard said he would give me hand getting things dialed in . The engine idled but showing 10 AFR , and you could tell it was rich.
  17. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    Waiting for my battery to charge up so I can try and fire this up. Well actually a couple of other things , but very close!! Fuel vent question. Thinking about using original flow guide valve on inner fender . Why can't I attach C side to the piping on my CAI? There's actually a hose connector in front of the butterfly on the 240sx TB . My understanding of the valve function is that it only opens to tank when there is pressure coming from tank side, it doesn't allow vacuum directly to tank.
  18. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    So 25% higher means richer ? Appreciate all the feedback - it's slowly sinking in- I think LOL I get required fuel is a straight equation based on injector size to engine displacement - you've got to start somewhere .
  19. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    Thanks for the reply - still digesting everything . I do have a wideband so I will incorporate .
  20. madkaw

    Ms3x install

    Well all I've read on MS on the forums everyone seems to say fuel is easier to set up, but I'm having issues getting my skull wrapped around how all the tables are used in conjunction with each other. Incorporating AFR , VE , AE, etc... Anyone want to try and dummy this up for me? I guess when I read this I get a little confused: If you set “Incorporate AFR Target” under the General Settings menu to “include AFRtarget,” this table is used to scale the fueling. A table entry of 14.7:1 will mean no fuel scaling. Numbers less than that will increase the fuel, and numbers higher will decrease the fuel. When using this mode, you’ll tune your VE table to hit your AFR targets, then adjusting the AFR target table will directly adjust the fuel to the desired AFR number. I guess my thinking of incorporating target means that MS will automatically tune pulses to match the numbers I wished for. It goes on to say to utilize VE table to achieve targets?
  21. Cross firing under the dizzy cap. Cracked cap , worn cap . With that kind of performance engine you need everything working at 100%
  22. Re reading your post I would suspect ignition. You would need everything right for that motor . Plug wires , cap, rotor , coil ( I know it's new , but suspect for sure)
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