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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. Welcome back. Im also curious If I could do as well as your car is. My turbo engine is still in the donor car... I wonder how much of a difference the extra weight of the ZX would make. Only thing I raced was my friends 5.0 and my car kept up. Hope you get it all back together. But remember, get whatever kind of car youll enjoy. We might hate you for selling your Z but youll be happier.
  2. Hey 3 year bump! Anyone have more info on the ZX above? That looks awesome! Looks like fiberglass.
  3. Yeah Im not using anything but the high pressure line. Im going to a place called House of Hose tomorrow. I assume theyd have what I need. I went to a couple hardware stores and they had ZIP!
  4. It wont be in the cabin. Itll be on the cowl in front of the windshield. Its not worth the extra like $60-70 to have it inside. It would be nice but you got to stop somewhere.
  5. Doesnt a side exhaust help with the fume problem?
  6. Once you know EVERYTHING is detached, the intake will still be a pain to remove. It usually sticks to the gasket and is wedged inbetween the washers mentioned earlier. I actually used a engine wench at a JY to pull an intake off. Itll seem like its still attached by something but all it is is friction and chemical bonds.
  7. Arent most custom headers like this built from a flange of several pieces? Does this fit the stock S30?
  8. Hes a member here. I was going to get a set of wheels from him and he was very helpful. I ended up getting different wheels so I didnt go through him. From what I experienced Id reccomend him.
  9. This is all before you installed the walbro right? Just checking. Any way to plum the guage in after the fpr to see if its actually opening? If its closed then youd get insane fp numbers. Just a guess. Also what kind of gauge did you buy and how did you mount it up. Just curious.
  10. Turns out they are the same. Just different manufacturer. Im trying to decide whether or not to get it. Its $35 shipped which is quite a bit for just a fuel line. Anyone have any other suggestions? Id like to get this on pretty soon.
  11. On my 81 turbo, itll be on the cowl. Yeah Id love to get the jegs one but Im not sure if its the same. Im gonna call them and see.
  12. I think your car would look 100000 time better lowered and with flares. IMHO the wheels look to big for the stock wheel wells. Also have you noticed any rubbing? Looks like you guys were going pretty hard.. Looks like your fenders and tires have become on.
  13. Amazing post braap!! I vote that this gets stickied somewhere. Little comment. You mentioned about the TPS shorting out. I beleive I had this issue a while back after it started raining. Got in my car and Id start to accerate and if I remember correctly at around 2000ish rpm the engine would completely cut out, kick back in, cut out, etc. This sounds exactly like the fuel injectors just turning off intermittently. Really makes sense now. Cleaned out the TPS and it ran fine, barely made it home, would go past ~30mph. Also regarding the head temp. Isnt it backwards that the resistance gets larger with a cooler sensor? Isnt a cold conductor a better conductor? AKA superconductors at close to 0 K.
  14. Sorry to bump an old thread but I just wanted to get some information regarding this. Im sure the answer will be helpful to some searching. On what scale does adjusting the afm change engine function. Does tightening the dial say a 1/8 inch make the engine not even run or it hardly noticeable? Just wondering If I ever do this how much to start out doing.
  15. My dad did that to me in elementary school. Wed usually cut it down to about the 2nd or 3rd smallest guard but someone decided to forget to use it. I was left with about 1/16 of an inch of hair....
  16. Awesome! As mentioned howd you get it for free? I would keep the tilt front end, Id want to keep it somewhat original. As mentioned, you change one piece and you might need to change more if it doesnt flow right. There were a billion different flares back in the day and who knows which one you have.
  17. Haha, to bad I couldnt tell my mom that when Id crash my dirtbike.
  18. Does he know about the said incident? Or is this a "Fix it before he gets home from vacation" type of thing.
  19. I dont think he knows what size or thread it is. Do they make NPT taps?
  20. zcar.com zdriver.com hybridz.org classiczcar.com/org I really only go to classic, zdriver, or zcar for selling something. So I just frequent HBZ, and when I say frequent... I mean frequent. Plan is at some point to be registered on a Jeep forum and Subaru forum, if that hints at what kind of cars I would like. (realisticly)
  21. Well I bought autometers 4712 which is a mechanical fuel pressure gauge and it reccomends gauge tubing kit 3227. I was looking at some and they are running for about $40 something shipped. http://www.autometerdirect.com/product.php?productid=758 http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?part=ATM-3227 Here they are. Also jegs has the auto meter kit... http://www.jegs.com/i/Auto-Meter/105/3227/10002/-1 and there universal kit. http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/41057/10002/-1 They look the same but Im not sure... too late to call jegs. Any reccomendations for getting this set up? Basically If I was able to just run a 5/16 nylon fuel line to the gauge it should work fine wouldnt it? Do they make 5/16 barbed fittings that go to -4 AN female? Id be really happy if this would work. Alot better than $40+ for a fancy steel line. Thanks
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