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Everything posted by cockerstar

  1. I really like this idea! I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for a clean tailgate. I need to redo my bumper area and think this might be worth a try as I will be completely replacing the panel with one from my parts car anyways. Anyon have the dimensions on the tailgate?
  2. Well, my block is rebuilt and I had everything mocked up and looking good so I decided that it was time for a coat of fresh engine enamel before I drop the engine back in. I taped everything up and plugged all of the necessary holes and went to town with a nylon brush, industrial grade degreaser, and the pressure washer. Looks fantastic now! My engine had been sitting outside on a stand for awhile before I got it so a lot of the bolt holes had accumulated some dirt/dust and I wanted to make sure my threads were clean. Nothing the pressure washer couldn't take care of, right? Now, for some reason I forgot to screw my oil pressure sending unit in, and before I realized it I had directly sprayed it with the pressure washer and a shot of degreaser as I was going over all of my other threaded holes... DOH! Sometimes you think you're an idiot, but at other times you just know you are... now is definitely one of those times! After I realized what I had done I screed the sending unit in to keep any more water from making it in and finished scrubbing my block. So, what's the best was of taking care of this? Drop my pan and run oil through the sending unit hole to flush everything out?
  3. About $55k iirc. I remember a research lab was paying for testicles to do research on. It is illegal though. Not exactly sure how that would have worked out. I'm still stunned you haven't been able to sell this yet! What are you doing to try to sell it locally?
  4. Does it still have the lsd? It's a damn good deal either way, but that diff is worth close to $800 by itself!
  5. How much does it run to do framing like that? When I think of taking something to the framer I picture a thicker wood frame like you would see around a portrait.
  6. Buying a house is the financially responsible thing to be doing, but if you can keep the Z in the process I would vote to go that round. If it's necessary, so be it, but whenever one of us sells a car we know we're taking a hit on it.
  7. Very nice pick up for $3500! With a little work it will be in pretty great shape. Perfect for just driving, but even better for a swap
  8. Does it rebreak studs that you have replaced?
  9. Looking good! I am definitely going to be picking up some marine clean. Looks like it did an amazing job Everything is coming together quite nicely and at an excellent pace.
  10. Didn't expect to see that! I hope it goes to a good home. Stony, I know it's a bit late, but when QFT was first used (back in like 2001 or 2002) it meant "Quit ****ing Talking". Just a heads up that it can be taken both ways. A bit of sarcasm used with it can have lots of laughs with the double and opposite meanings
  11. Really, it comes down to a factor of cost vs. performance. Aluminum body panels and doors would be cool, but very expensive to start making.
  12. Pretty sure the roof line is stock. Dark reds seem to do very well on the s30 Between this and Aziza I'm almost wanting to go with something similar.
  13. Looks like a perfect reason to shave the rear bumper Sounds like you have a good idea of where you want to go with your project and already have a great start! Does the car drive? Where did you pick up your RB?
  14. Well, I'm 18 and picked up my first Z almost a year ago. I found a '79 280zx on craigslist for $250 and I'd always wanted something I could tinker on and not worry about breaking. I could scrap the car for my purchase price if it came down to it. So I bought it without knowing a single thing about Z's. After doing some research online I discovered the s30 and decided that I would rather have one of those, but I already had planned (and started gathering parts for) a turbo build. Whilst browsing the b/s/t here on hybridZ I came across an ad for "three 240Zs, CHEAP". Well, it turns out that the seller ment free when he said cheap! Two days later I was off to pick up three cars about 250 miles away down in Oregon. Two trips and a week later, I had a '71, a '72, and a '73 to join my '79. The 280zx went onto the back burner and I started building the s30 I had been wanting. It's been love ever since
  15. Can't wait to see more It's looking great! What all are you having them do while it's there?
  16. Wait... Powdercoating the underside of your car as an undercoat?
  17. If done right, it will hold up to a lot of abuse, but if done by someone who has very little welding experience it is going to break very easily. That's what gives welded differentials such a bad rep. If you don't have the experience, you should take it to a competent shop to have it done. Some quick googling should teach you how to weld up any open diff. Basically you need to remove all of the internals and degrease everything very thoroughly. Any residue left on the metal will severely inhibit the penetration you need in this kind of high-stress application. Then you will need to weld the spider gears up so they can't rotate. iirc, they can also be welded to the carrier to add some more strength to the frozen assembly. Hope this helps
  18. Not sure where you can buy one (maybe MSA sells one?) but you might be able to find one here in the b/s/t. Personally I would just make one that just mounts between the rear shock towers.
  19. Soak it in some vinegar and it will wipe off with a wet rag in the morning Overnight should be able to take car of anything you probably have and less time is probably sufficient. The less time they spend in there, the better. As long as you don't have any pitting or scoring you should be good to go. If there is minor imperfections, they can be turned, but if there is anything after a wipe-down I would be contacting the seller.
  20. So, I'm not completely clear on one major point here. You buy the NSX They buy the parts You install/fab everything They shoot car and use their sponsorship as advertising You keep car Did I get that last part right? You're buying the car, so it stays yours?
  21. I know this doesn't address your question, but you need to remount your harness. Having it go straight down and bolt behind the seat is very unsafe. In a wreck the straps will pull down and compress your spine. Mount them to a harness bar
  22. That is a stellar deal! What are your plans for the 5.3l?
  23. No payment yet? That's always frustrating! I always make all of my auctions require immediate payment with a BIN
  24. LS1 swap? It would be pretty cool to get some measurements though. Not that any of us are going to go digging into one yet, but I'll bet money that it will happen sooner than you would first think. I'm definitely a fan of the interiors! Everything is nice and crisp. Doesn't feel out of place like some other cars.
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