Well, my block is rebuilt and I had everything mocked up and looking good so I decided that it was time for a coat of fresh engine enamel before I drop the engine back in. I taped everything up and plugged all of the necessary holes and went to town with a nylon brush, industrial grade degreaser, and the pressure washer. Looks fantastic now!
My engine had been sitting outside on a stand for awhile before I got it so a lot of the bolt holes had accumulated some dirt/dust and I wanted to make sure my threads were clean. Nothing the pressure washer couldn't take care of, right?
Now, for some reason I forgot to screw my oil pressure sending unit in, and before I realized it I had directly sprayed it with the pressure washer and a shot of degreaser as I was going over all of my other threaded holes...
DOH! Sometimes you think you're an idiot, but at other times you just know you are... now is definitely one of those times!
After I realized what I had done I screed the sending unit in to keep any more water from making it in and finished scrubbing my block.
So, what's the best was of taking care of this?
Drop my pan and run oil through the sending unit hole to flush everything out?