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Everything posted by cockerstar

  1. We're all sitting here awaiting that glorious footage! can't wait to see everything run!
  2. Congratz dude! I have faith that you can keep that beautiful car of yours and your newly legal alcohol separate still
  3. Bumper brackets were surprisingly expensive too. I watched a few straight sets sell for about $60 each! You can get a front bumper in fair condition for less than $100+shipping... I watched a whole rear passengers side quarter from back bumper to the door sell for about $400 awhile back. What else sells for a decent price besides the dash and center console?
  4. I'd definitely add front clip to the title of the thread, because I know it's the most common terminology by far used here on hybridZ.
  5. imo, flat black is the way to go while in the project phase and you're doing new things to your car, but once it comes time to bring the project to a close, a nicer paint job is a lot more desirable.
  6. sooo ever pick out another birthday present?
  7. Sounds like a cool try, but the pressure at which the mount goes solid is going to have to be very exact. What are you planning on using for your fluid?
  8. Any opinions on the following engine? Going to check it out tomorrow and I think I'll be able to walk away with it for $750 Most likely going in my '69 camaro, but might end up in my 240z this summer
  9. Getting the books is a major help. HybridZ is all about teaching people about these cars rather than a few experienced guys answering questions for everyone. If you have put the effort into learning what does and doesn't work and why you will be much more successful with your build(s). It's the same concept as teaching a man to fish
  10. Wrong forum take it to the b/s/t PM me once you move it though, might be interested.
  11. Doesn't look too bad at all! Definitely very unique
  12. I'm partial to the one where Denny's gave all of us a free grand slam, but that's just for the free food, not the content
  13. If I didn't have one on hand I definitely would have repaired mine with a new braze or jb weld. I looked for one on eBay, but I couldn't find one. Maybe courtesy nissan has/can get one?
  14. Looks good! Videos are definitely a must! Do you have a before video? I love how your helmet is labeled "TIG ONLY!" Mine got quite a beating when I started using it for stick welding after getting used to having the autoglass.
  15. Wish I knew this in advance! I met him for the first time a few hours ago Very nice guy! Happy Birthday Man
  16. I had the same problem with mine. You need to make sure you have adequate oiling to your cam so that either means you need to replace your spray bar or move to an internally oiled cam (or both). I believe that you can still get a new spray bar, but I pulled mine from a parts car. It was the newer version and the build date on the donor car is 2/73, so I'm not really sure when the switch happened.
  17. How long are you planning on having them out for? Where are you storing them?
  18. If you sell your bike for your asking price you could buy a v8 swap or an l28et already installed in a Z!
  19. Brazing would probably be the best bet if you are certain about your ability to avoid warping the flange, but epoxy will suffice. I also think that you will be able to get it to seal up just fine if you are liberal with the RTV. They don't look THAT deep.
  20. Anyone else in favor of modifying the hood to fit? How close is it? Extremely impressive work here! What is left to get her up and running?
  21. What was done there is an entire roof reskin, which really isn't necessary. It will hide any signs of a repair if it was taken down to bare metal again in the future, but that's about the only plus side. The process is a lot more drawn out and I think it would be more difficult, but I can only guess because I've only tried one method Scroll down a bit for some pics partially through my patch work: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=143000&page=4
  22. Yeah, after everything was fitted up and ready to weld things got pretty thin (ie. ~two paper thicknesses) and weren't cooperating with me! I was planning on just leaving it with the tack welds and backing the joint with seam sealer, but the body shop teacher (I did this in welding class) told me that water would get through the sealant and cause cracking within a year and that I needed to stitch weld all the way around. "Any warping that happens can be straightened out later. It's just important to get a watertight seal all the way around!" Keep in mind that these are shots from last summer and things still aren't finished with my body work. I got impatient with it and moved onto mechanical stuff
  23. There's really two options you have with a sunroof (like you couldn't have figured this part out on yourself)- 1) Keep it 2) Ditch it I'm not sure on the availability of NOS sunroof parts, but that doesn't mean that you can't go through and clean up the sunroof you have now. I know I have two of them and the seals on them actually seem to be in decent condition, especially considering their ages. I opted to go for option number two purely because I didn't like the look of having a sunroof. Mine didn't leak and was properly installed. For patching them you can go with a metal patch, or a fiberglass one. Again, I'm not sure on the availability here, but I have seen entire roof skins done in carbon fiber so I'm sure that there's something out there to patch a sunroof with. I opted to go with the metal patch and got mine from my parts car that had a straight roof. I just cut the entire skin off so I was able to lay the entire thing over my roof and trace the piece that I needed from inside to cut for a perfect patch panel. From there it was just a matter of tacking and then stitch welding it into place and then smoothing everything out by grinding the welds down and then skim coating with a layer of filler. Unfortunately, it rained on my filler and now I have to do it all over again The hole is definitely patchable (even if you need to clean up the hole with a clean square cut a clean skin from a donor car can be used) and I wouldn't let it shy you away from a good car in the least! Hope this answers your question! lmk if you would like some pics of my patch job
  24. Yeah, it's for the set up I have in my sig. As of now, I just want my car running as soon as I can get it going so I'm trying to use what I have right now. That means a new OE pressure plate, the exedy clutch, and the clutchnet clutch. I was planning on running the puck clutch because I have it and if I end up disliking it I can always swap out for the other one easily enough. When I go with my second motor (ie. down the road quite a bit - middle of the summer at least) I'll be going with something better. Thinking that a Fidanza flywheel with a stock disk and heavy pressure plate seems to be the ticket. With what I currently have I figured that the puck clutch would be a bit snappier, which is the kind of feel I was looking for.
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