Your car is like golden compared to mine. Somebody might want to talk me out of it but I am done with Z, I am tired of crap cars, I like them, but since I have determined people in this world are such ***holes that they have to hide crap so they can sell me a crap car for way to much. This car was basically 1300 down the drain. I looked at it good to. I hope I don't crash any of your computers because here comes a bajillion pictures. By the way, I know zedd findings order form says 299 but it says that is just a suggested price. Who has ordered from them? Is there a big difference in price when the contact you? I really think I am just going to buy a newer car and say screw it. There is a 200sx turbo for sale right now. Oh and before you see the picture of the battery tray. Yes, the rust goes through the firewall and into the engine bay as well as the wheel well.