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Everything posted by ModernS30

  1. Surely some plastic in there, and he means I am "steel"ing your money I am going to ask you to wire transfer me.
  2. Trust me popping a bead on a tire, especially one with air already in it is VERY hard. I work at a tire store, they are hard to pop when they are full of air! Go try it, you will be surprised. They are hard to pop without air if you don't have a machine.
  3. May I be the first to say that is a clean N2 hachi right there!
  4. Rust? Don't dare say non I don't believe it!
  5. If you mean there is no power above these RPM's, you pretty much drop off at 4500 rpms. I can post the picture of my dyno chart if you would like. Also the tach's in these are crappy, sometimes mine doesn't like to climb above that much either. Remember is a 35 year old car.
  6. haha, I sure hope so. I can already weld and do a little bit of fabrication. I always say the best way to learn is hands on. I have got a start to it. I will be relocating the batter to the rear during this as well. May be doing some rewiring and might put a new fuse box in that uses bus style fuses instead of the little glass ones.
  7. Yea thanks, I was thinking of scrapping it. I am going to save this car. I don't want to cut up ANOTHER z. The dash is out and It goes up to the hole where the wiring harness goes through but ends there pretty much so I am just gonna through a huge flat peice of metal from there all the way to the back of the floors when I do it. I have to finish cleaning the garage first.
  8. Remember is a Z its gonna cost $$$ anyways. That's what jobs are for.
  9. This picture will be good to explain what I did. The red and white one has a jumper wire running the the smaller of the two green ones. The one diagonal from it. (I think it has a blue line but don't quote me on that one of the 2 does I am not going to take my column cover off now I will take pictures tomorrow when removing my dash. I did a poor job of soldering since my 8 dollar soldering iron didn't get hot enough to melt the factory solder properly. http://forums.hybridz.org/uploads/monthly_03_2010/post-9446-12680975182292.jpg
  10. Ok, sorry duh. There is a little square box on top of the switch with 4 wires on it. You should experiment first to be sure you have the right to being you have a different year. For me those 4 wires the ones closest to me sitting in the drivers seat on the right and the one farthest on the left connected turns the lights on with the switch on and not with it off. It works as normal. It is hidden under the column cover. I will make a rudimentary diagram to give you the idea. - = wire terminal. (-) = Wires I connected. (-) - - (-) I just soldered a wire between the two. Doesn't look factory, probably isn't the best idea, but it worked and it was free.
  11. I would have pointed and laughed. Then stopped to make sure he was ok and call him a dumb ass.
  12. If you get it you should try to see how much it would be to chop a fire wall out and send it to me! haha
  13. OK, for some reason or another it wouldn't post while I was at school. Jump a wire from the closest to you wire on the right to the farthest from you wire on the left. Do it with the switch on and the lights should be on. Do it with them off and the lights should be off. Solder it on and you are good to go. The tails and dash are tied together, who knows why. I did this on my car and it works just fine now.
  14. I have a complete kit for a 280z. I haven't installed it yet but I don't know that selling it would be a good investment for me. I advise looking you ebay, I got it from neverenough2003. It is a company that I believe is called never enough auto. was 148 buy it now and 10 for shipping. Great deal I thought, cheapest I could find.
  15. haha, if it is anywhere near me and I can get it cheap I will go pick it up and just the parts I need. Use other metal to fix other things on my car and sell the good panels and stuff that others need. Just enough to pay for what I have in it. That's IF its close.
  16. Hmmm, really want to know what state this is in. If I could do a RHD conversion it would be totally awesome. Plus it would save a lot of fixin's I'm gonna have to do.
  17. What state is it in? Can anybody help me if a 2+2 firewall will work on my coupe? if the area i need isn't rusty then it would be perfect.
  18. Ohhh the big wheel. LOL, There was one on nico, I think the red one with different wheels. From different angles it does alright. I just think an S30 looks way better. To bad I can't find one that not a rust bucket.
  19. Your car is like golden compared to mine. Somebody might want to talk me out of it but I am done with Z, I am tired of crap cars, I like them, but since I have determined people in this world are such ***holes that they have to hide crap so they can sell me a crap car for way to much. This car was basically 1300 down the drain. I looked at it good to. I hope I don't crash any of your computers because here comes a bajillion pictures. By the way, I know zedd findings order form says 299 but it says that is just a suggested price. Who has ordered from them? Is there a big difference in price when the contact you? I really think I am just going to buy a newer car and say screw it. There is a 200sx turbo for sale right now. Oh and before you see the picture of the battery tray. Yes, the rust goes through the firewall and into the engine bay as well as the wheel well.
  20. BAHAHAH, just so you know to post in classifieds you also must be a donating member. It's 40 posts. I also think the membership length is a certain time minimum. Nice looking car, bad looking wiring mess.
  21. Did I miss something in that movie? Was there a Z smashed or something? I am a youngin and saw that movie before my love for z's.
  22. I didn't mean just for lowering the car, I meant for suspension setup. Plus I did say I really don't know what I am talking about never done it before. I just know there is a lot more to setting up a car than turning a few nobs and slamming it.
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