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Everything posted by FlatBlack

  1. Good luck! Do you have any spare AFMs? I have about 3 or 4 so I actually adjust the spring rate on mine to get the AFR in range. It's usually frowned upon but I have several so if I mess one up it's not a problem.
  2. I'd suggest keeping the NA AFM, I don't know how a bigger AFM relates to more power, so it would be rather daft in my opinion.
  3. You're using PVC on your Z car?? haha PCV = Positive Crankcase Ventilation. The car sounds like it's camming? What does that mean? Revv the motor up manually to about half throttle, and then play with the AFM under its plastic cover. If it runs better when you pull the weight counterclockwise its running too lean, and too rich if it runs better the other way.
  4. A certain Admin got a bunch of hopes up about putting an LSx in a Z32 without modifying the firewall [the goal was a fast DD], but then got distracted and moved on. This thread was amusing to me... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=933740#post933740
  5. Ah. That's what I was referring to, that motor in Austin's blue car in the magazine - what was the third then?
  6. So that motor has been in two articles now, hasn't it?
  7. My AFM was set too lean and this happened to me once, couldn't hurt to check.
  8. Well I'm not worried about it enough to do all that at this point haha Summer is almost here!!! My 31 is getting a timing belt when school gets out in three weeks and some more boost. I've also came across another VG so It'll be getting a rebuild in my spare time.
  9. i figured the fenders and such, once again haven't done my research though :embarrassed:
  10. flat tops or dished? I have some good pistons out of an early L28.
  11. Mobious how cold is it over there? Im telling you without the IAC it is going to idle really low until the motor warms up. When it is warm its not much of a problem but will still idle a bit low at start up. If you adjust the idle screw its going to run at higher RPMS at normal running temperature.
  12. Hey i need a late Z31 bumper. Anyone have one laying around?
  13. Well I was drawn to the Romulator from reading the FAQs/stickies on Z31.com and loving how cheap it was. The S30 is the first love but apparently the VG30ET is so easy to mod it's kind of hard to resist. It is my DD for now though, so nothing crazy, I would just like to feel the power once and while.
  14. Care to elaborate? Been busy with school, haven't had much time to do research for the 'red-headed stepchild' past the basic stuff.
  15. MSA Type 1, that's a 240Z which has the running lights in the lower valence. I'm assuming you have a 280 if you didn't know that...
  16. Well, it's got a VQ35, and you said 'good read' about the turbo FAQ, so... Turbo VQ35?
  17. I've been using the O'Reilly's Intake/Exhaust gasket - they always have one in stock, and the holes are shaped to support the sqaure or circle ex. ports.
  18. I'm loving my 'new' 86 Turbo Z31, my only gripe is the soft suspension. Hopefully this summer I'll get to throw a Romulator/bigger injectors/MBC/New Struts and Springs on it, and it'll be fancy. T Tops are awesome.
  19. Buy Maximum Boost by Corky Bell [Haha you can't use other member's cars as your avatar!]
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