Spent the last two weeks taking care of wiring and other details, like programming the maps into my laptop and verifying the sensors. Got a tach at cranking speed, so I installed the injector fuses and tried firing it up today.
Actually fired right away, but couldn't get it to idle it's running so roughly. Looks like I'm missing spark on #5, and it's not the wire (swapped wires with #3). The plug is gapped and seems ok, so perhaps it's as simple as a bad distributor cap.
If Megasquirt was pulling the spark because of a bad tach signal, I assume it would find a way to tell me, or would I have to make a datalog and check it? I am using a Z31 wheel in my '82 L28ET distributor, so one of the pulses is wider than the other 5. I did change the tach input from falling edge to rising edge and it made no difference -- cylinder 5 still dead.
One other issue. I have a fuel leak on one end of my Pallnet fuel rail. Looks like the 3/8 NPTF tapered threads are cut too deeply and my 3/8 to 1/4 NPT reducer may be bottoming out. I replaced the bushing and got it as tight as I could without tearing anything up, but it still has a slight leak. maybe I'll replace my reducer with a pipe, and change the rest of the hardware to fit my 1/4 NPT to AN -6 fuel line connector.
Won't be long now, but I hate these little annoyances....