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Everything posted by BluDestiny

  1. If those were refinished, Somewhere between $1000-1200. In that condition I'd say like $800. If that offset was negative you could expect a lot more. Since they're 3 piece, if you refinish them you might be able to flip the face.
  2. I never found the stock seats to be comfortable, but more because there was no support for me and I always seemed to fight to stay in place for turns. I second the aftermarket seat approach. some very comfortable ones can be had for cheap if you aren't racing seriously.
  3. Saw that circulating the subaru forums and facebook lol.
  4. I'd be wary of the "it needs an alternator". I would show up with one pop it in and jump it and if it still dies probably not buy it. I'd also try and haggle a few hundred off the price. I bought my last one for $1500 and it had a busted fpr (which I didn't care about since I was swapping all my stuff from my old crashed car in), but looked to be in similar condition on the exterior.
  5. That's more than a good portion of members on hybridz go to tracks I can assure you. As for actually having them, if you adjust your suspension a lot (like for each time you go on and off the track, then I would go with the koni/gc setup for ease of dialing in your preference. As for actual performance I'm sure there are people much more technical than me.
  6. The only reason I can see would be that you're overworking it by regulating it down so low. Either the pump will give or the fpr diaphragm will give.
  7. I've seen that in junkyard enignes that have been exposed, like with a sparkplug missing or the intake/exhaust off. put some seafoam in there, let it sit, and just turn the engine over with the starter and it'll shoot right out.
  8. For the price difference I'd probably just go with Techno toy tuning. Gabe will keep you in the loop and stand by their product.
  9. California Datsun is a rebranded datsun parts LLC. They have screwed many members here. A true rebello will be about $10k depending what you have done to the head, and what you're actually supplying to Rebello and using for induction. In the words of walter white, "it's grade school tee-ball vs. The New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid... off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is classic Coke"
  10. Hypertek, where are they purchasable? I haven't seen any on the greddy page and was assuming they were going to start for sale after SEMA.
  11. You can also buy a new mustache bar from techno toy tuning or AZC.
  12. Second to last product I think in the Z section http://retrospec-datsun.blogspot.mx/
  13. Seriously when is this kit being released for sale? after sema?
  14. Pretty sure an exhaust shop would do that for $20 (the one near my place in Burbank does aluminium welding also, I had them fill my shaved intake for free). I guess you if you're just looking to borrow a welder and do it yourself that would be fun.
  15. That seems like a great price. I know the C4 corvette FG front ends are about $2000. and for $1000 more you're getting a custom part. Makes sense to me.
  16. Too bad it isn't open to the public. Anyone have any tickets ?
  17. And probably some really low geared diff, and larger diameter tires would help also. I was getting about 27mpg last time I drove cross country in my ZX (doing 80mph most of the way), and it was for the most part a stock EFI setup. I had a 3.9 rear end and 25" diameter tires.
  18. More like -10 to -15 offset and stretched tires. But they will fit.
  19. Yeah I was up against s2000 and such in bsp and on the stock engine it was just laughable trying to keep up. Moving up to SM this next season with an engine swap.
  20. Running an rb25 on megasquirt would be a hassle. There are better engine management units that can get the job done with less headache and much more support. The rb25 will also be much easier to bring to that level, since you don't even need to crack the block open.
  21. Broken Circlip? Pretty sure those aren't the bolt in style. if you are able to unbolt it from the wheel hub and just slide it out then you have problems.
  22. Depends on what people are going for. I can understand that expense if you are attempting to do a ground up resto, or have money to blow. I'd rather attempt at filling and sealing myself ebfore I spend that kind of money. But the rest of my car is stripped to the bone, so The dash being a little imperfect is the last of my issues.
  23. They should work. I'm going off this picture, and this thread: http://www.zcar.com/forum/10-70-83-tech-discussion-forum/278098-r200-input-flange.html I currently have an r200 in my 240z, and will be swapping over to using a subie r180 to reduce weight. Going with a TTT diff mount, and redoing all the the suspension as well. I hope I don't get unlucky and have the abnormal pinion flange.
  24. I used longer D bolts with a lock washer on both sides. Only did this because those bolts were cheaper and easier for me to get from a local nut and bolt shop. No issues over the 10k miles I drove the car.
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