jmortensen is dead-on when he says building a cage is a PITA. I just finished upgrading my 6-pt to a 10-pt, with lots of help, and not sure I would want to do anything like that again. I did, however, discover something extremely useful in helping with one of the areas most amateur "cage-builders" struggle with, and that is the fish-mouthing necessary to neatly join 2 tubes together. For me it was even more critical since I have chromoly, requiring TIG welding.
Google "tube miter" and download the program. You plug in the tube diameter and wall thickness of the tube to be joined, the diameter of the tube it will be joined to and the angle at which they will be joined. It prints out a template that you cut out, wrap around the tube, scribe the tube, shape the tube and VOILA, it butts up perfectly if you did a neat job.
Hopefully someone finds it useful, not just for cages, but for joning tubes for anything. Just used it yesterday to join a 1.75" aluminum tube to a 3" aluminum tube for a BOV.