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Everything posted by LLave

  1. Yeah, the more I look into it, the more convinced I am probably money ahead to hire a professional. After the cost of good materials and the labor, it would be a real drag to mess it up with my lack of painting skills/experience. I have never painted a car before.
  2. That is awesome! Looks like it came out great. How was spraying at home? I have been considering doing mine myself.
  3. Maybe you can move the u-bolt clamp to the far passenger side and sneak it in. Perhaps on the outside of the bushing. Or.... Maybe make a wider flatter u-bolt with some 14ga or something. Just an idea.
  4. Wow! Who did your blasting and priming? U-Pol weld through primer is awesome. I get it on Amazon. I was using 3m Weld Tru II but i think the u-pol is better. Better adhesion and if you accidentally weld over a little, it's more forgiving.
  5. I have been researching Vintage air (actually just purchased a Gen II mini). I read somewhere that Vintage Air does not recommend a fresh air intake. For my car, I am going to block off the cowl hole for the original HVAC, but leave the vent ducts, so if you want fresh air you can pull the cable.... or open a window.
  6. Nice! Who's headers are you using?
  7. I bet Eastwood has a big sale black Friday (if you can wait that long). Should you find yourself in Norther CA, you are more than welcome to stop by and run mine.
  8. I have the Eastwood manual machine. I got it on sale, added the better foot pedal (this is a must), then a stubby gas lens kit, it is awesome. Welds anything I need to, and it it is very affordable. With the money I saved, I got a bunch of consumables and material.
  9. Amazing work. That filter looks huge! What size is it?
  10. Looks like mine too. No biggie.
  11. Great color! Good luck with the swap, there is plenty of info on this site that will be helpful. You may want to checkout LS1tech for the technical info on the LS powerplant.
  12. NorCal Z's! I am in Rohnert Park, building one as well. Very very slowly.
  13. Nice work! I had to weld brake rotors as counter weights to my rotisserie
  14. I am considering using the Eastwood sound and heat. Anyone have any direct experience? http://www.eastwood.com/heat-and-sound-barrier-coating-1-5-gallon-kit.html?SRCCODE=PLA00020&product_id=15632ZP&adpos=1o1&creative=179119711884&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5arMBRDzARIsAAqmJezJjehqtBTQ88PQMiFIw-cg5XSs8dj3BgFTckzyT4gdbmHON8eTzDAaAtn3EALw_wcB
  15. I have been one of their patreon supporters for some time. Great project, amazing, simple (relatively) techniques. They proved you don't need super fancy equipment. Five stars, would watch again.
  16. I am still here! This site is a wealth of knowledge. There is less fluffy BS then most highly active sites. If you are willing to search and read you can usually find answers here.
  17. Wow, sorry to see this happen.
  18. I had that thought too. There is not much room in the top of the strut tower, if the device did fit in there, it would be seriously limited in adjustability.
  19. Well done. Talk about listening to the constructive criticism and reacting in a positive way. Can't wait to get my Mfactory LSD installed.... Or more accurately my car completed to a level where it needs a diff at all, that will be cool.
  20. The good news is you are in the right place. There are a fair amount of cars here at or above that power level. The best thing you can do is read read read, then read a little more. Tons of info here for the taking.
  21. Great post above. Well said.
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